Rohit Katre
Forum Replies Created
Sorry for bothering again but I thought I could share the Alternative Method URL with you here for your perusal.
1st try :{ "albums": [ { "id": "APDY0XFDq8g7gSpHpo8QR7rn4HJBJkqjWi_fxGGD5nETu3YDJKgrP2hjurrAwr2Olqne9ogIEut-", "title": "New Office", "productUrl": "", "mediaItemsCount": "10", "coverPhotoBaseUrl": "", "coverPhotoMediaItemId": "APDY0XFm_WBhAS7TShKu5JRDt0D0fp4oMhkWOcfM-E5SyT3aweWJTqpvHIpOTq_YdWwNV05vx3XJtz3u5Lth0sBnE95bJAxQFw" } ], "nextPageToken": "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" }
2nd Try :
{ "sharedAlbums": [ { "id": "APDY0XGQOt5_W2YVh34601yPzGiddZYx25qhPmC9BRctsbbM9GX9S60rYH9r3gkK4O4C7tAyTiaC", "title": "Mangla", "productUrl": "", "mediaItemsCount": "19", "coverPhotoBaseUrl": "", "coverPhotoMediaItemId": "APDY0XErpUczj6FchzabIetRr_1CAptR-LB0U_LzJJi1kbBxRAGjE9zFDFBJtmml-IdYT2hsQr3KVn4aZz9UHYk6mWYiP9TLXg" }, { "id": "APDY0XE6WDhgkijD6N8bZ_3-ElCAw5rU_Dxa7kLYvm_BOvuSb6-4OXlJdLvMKRhwnFBKND2rSrYu", "title": "Kini New", "productUrl": "", "mediaItemsCount": "17", "coverPhotoBaseUrl": "", "coverPhotoMediaItemId": "APDY0XEXv8HTGUhBAKY35iAVB7Y6Ba45fCRSNnLo9NrbDUXht3nglbk2btt8FIwYxGBSk6vj2KQXp7lKUeCiy3PDz7BO5Sebvg" } ] }
Basically, the Shared Albums are not showing up in Photonic for some reason. But the earlier problem has gotten solved. Google is returning Data. The connection is getting established and I am able to see only the Umshared Albums.
And Sir, Album Sharing is imperative. We cannot do without that.
RohitRespected Sir,
Terribly sorry for bothering you in your festivities.
Sir, I was not getting anywhere and therefore decided to Delete all albums.
And after deleting those I created 3 more Albums but shared only 1.
Then, from Photonic, I chose Multiple Albums and found that only the 1 Unshared Album is showing up. I then shared all and none was visible on Photonic. I then, once again, unshared all and then all were visible on Photonic. I then chose all 3 and updated my website. All 3 appeared perfectly as before. Then, despite having all 3 unshared Albums published to the site I shared 2 of them at Google Photos and refreshed the site page to discover that the Shared Albums are gone.
What is important to note here is that after publishing the unshared Albums on my site, and without making any changes in WordPress, but once again just sharing on Google Photos leads to this problem. Therefore, I think there is something seriously wrong with Photonic in handling Shared Albums.
Kindly help.
How to raise a ticket regarding this problem with Google? It is a huge site with everything technical therein. I am unable to identify the place where to (and also how to) raise my problem.
RohitRespected Sinhasir,
I apologize for I failed to relate to your festive time there. Sir, I have no problem waiting for as long as you want me to. I will never request you for an early resolution Sir. Please take your time. However, since you are the father of this baby you may be equally interested in knowing what’s happening and therefore I am sending you just the result of the 2nd method suggested by you. The Token was really long and whatever that it is worth I thought I will share it with you here just in case you find it useful. The related screenshot thereto is added to the album and is on top.
And Sir, the Screenshots are definitely different and I will make a proper compilation of the differences and share them here in a Zip file from Drive later. It looks as if Google behaves differently each country wise.
Sir, please do enjoy your family time. I am really sorry.
Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year to you and your family!
RohitRespected Sir Sinha,
Believe me when I write the following. Despite my poor grasp of the subject I am doing everything right. Let me illustrate. I did the following:
1. I deleted the older OAuth Credentials.
2. I Shut Down the older Project only to make a fresh start.
3. I created the Desktop App but did not find a screen to add the Authorisation URLs and therefore could not go past the Error 400.
4. I started afresh again and this time chose Web App instead of the Desktop App. I then added all 3 URLs i.e. 2 recommended at the Plugin and one Developer one from your notes. And with that I could connect well.
5. Authorised Photonic, Obtained the Token and Saved it as well.Therefore, I think everything was done right and thus got rid of Error 400. And thus everything should now work fine, right?
But my very first problem, that of “No data was returned for user you provided. Please verify that the user has the content you are looking for.”, continues. I am unable to get Photonic to access my albums. However, Photonic is able to access my photos if I choose just Photos instead of Albums. This is a unique problem. Even now, if you kindly lookup you will find that just the photos do appear.
Therefore, today I went a step further by looking and trying out the Workarounds but in that case your screenshots appear to be incomplete. What to do after going past Step 2 therein is not described and one fails to understand what next.
I have also tried the above with an older version of Photonic too but it still fails at the same point.
I have only 6 Projects left to use until the older ones are finally deleted by Google in about a month’s time. So then, should I start from scratch every time? or should I just delete the Oauth Credentials and keep the Project? when you teach me the next set of actions.
Another potent problem is that Google has definitely changed the Screens (and in a few cases a few steps as well) and that leads to a different set of problems. A dumbo like me is left to guess what is what and so far I have managed to get it all right. But those are just guesses. But ideally, if you don’t mind, it is time now for you to change the screens of the Help Page with the latest (and in the process also add all those intermediate steps that Google has added) to make it easier on dumbos like us.
Is my problem occurring because I have too many Albums?
Can we do an AnyDesk type of Screen Share call wherein you get to see for yourself what’s the problem? We could schedule this at a time suitable to you. And I will fully cooperate with whatever time you suggest even if it is not such a suitable time here in India given that you are in the US.
Sir kindly help and oblige. Our site is down for almost a fortnight and I think that is terrible.
RohitI did everything right. And I started from scratch. I downloaded and installed version 2.69 and started from scratch by Shutting Down and Deleting all my previous Projects, APIs, Credentials etc. I strictly followed everything as enumerated in the help step-by-step. I created a Desktop Client instead of a WebClient and despite following everything correctly the above error happened. Why does it say, “Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch”?
The link to the screenshots is shared hereinbelow
For Mr. Sayontan SinhaSir, I have several albums as can be seen from the shared screenshots.
Sir, can you kindly share the previous version of Photonic Plugin Zip File? so that I can try and see if the older version is working or not.
RohitI too never had any issue with it for long. All updates too worked fine. Could it be because I now have nearly over 50 shared albums? Does a large number of shared albums cause a problem? And while on this, while Photonic does show a preview of the Album Cover, would it not be possible to show the Album Heading Text right under the album cover? It will make it easy to identify the album.
Also, just to be very sure, can you kindly share the older version of the plugin in Zip format so that I once again try it out with the older version and then know for sure whether the last update is causing the problem.
The link to the screenshot is attached herewith.Shared Scrrenshot of the error
This problem has incidentally started from the latest plugin update. The link is as follows :
Can I not add a screenshot as an attachment to show what is happening?
RohitForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Regular Expression – Indian PAN & Aadhar CardSorry @codepeople
I made a mistake in copying the code from the mail and therefore the double quotes (“) got replaced with (").
I fixed that. And it has begun working but the problem is after replacement instead of giving the Capitalized and Hyphenated String it is dynamically returning “$1-$2-$3” for anything that I enter there.
My HTML Content Code is :
<script> jQuery(document).on('change', '[id*="fieldname6_"]', function(){ var v = new String(this.value); if(/^[a-xA-Z]{5}[\-\.\s]?[0-9]{4}[\-\.\s]?[a-xA-Z]{1}$/i.test(v)) { this.value = v.replace(/^[a-xA-Z]{5}[\-\.\s]?[0-9]{4}[\-\.\s]?[a-xA-Z]{1}$/i, "$1-$2-$3"); } }); </script>
What’s wrong now? Can you kindly help?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Regular Expression – Indian PAN & Aadhar CardHello @codepeople
I did follow your above Regular Expression. In fact, I customized it a bit as follows :
thereby allowing a SPACE as well along with the HYPHEN or a DOT
and all that works fine.However, the HTML Content field as suggested by you doesn’t seem to work. So I further tweaked it a bit to following :
<script> jQuery(document).on('change', '[id*="fieldname6_"]', function(){ var v = new String(this.value); if(/^[a-xA-Z]{5}[\-\.\s]?[0-9]{4}[\-\.\s]?[a-xA-Z]{1}$/i.test(v)) { this.value = v.replace(/^[A-Z]{5}[\-]?[0-9]{4}[\-]?[A-Z]{1}$/i, "$1-$2-$3"); } }); </script>
since I wanted to dynamically capitalize the characters as well as add the HYPHEN alone. But that doesn’t seem to work. Earlier, I had forgotten to change the fieldname1 to my fieldname6 but even after doing that it did not work. I think the HTML Content field is the problem.
Requesting you to kindly help please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Amortization Chart FeatureThanks CodePeople gentleman for the above. But I suspect you have not understood the concept at all since you are only asking me to insert 1 Field (for Prepayment) without factoring the Date of this Prepayment.
Understand the scenario again.
1. I am in Jan 2020 seeking a Loan and wish to calculate my EMI and need to know how it pans out over the tenure of the Loan (the Amortization Chart).
2. But I also know that in Oct 2024 I have large sum getting matured from another investment. I will most surely want to Prepay (partly or fully or whatever much) of the Loan.Which means my calculation will go as present till Oct 2024 and will change from thereon by way of subtracting the amount prepaid.
And this prepayment can be effected in 2 ways which the user should be allowed to decide on (means a 3rd choice Filed will also be needed). Firstly, the EMI Amount reduces or Secondly the EMI Amount remains the same but the Tenure of the Loan reduces.
In your above suggested answer you are only recommending the addition of 1 field. This will not work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photonic Gallery & Lightbox for Flickr, SmugMug & Others] Photos from AlbumSir, I am terribly sorry. How could I forget that after all you are an IITian. You have thought of every possibility and created Photonic. What I wanted you already have through Multiple Albums option. I should’ve studied Photonic in full depth before I wrote to you here. Sorry! My Bad! I am now forever going to buy you a coffee since what you’ve created resolves all my problems. But I can only afford to buy it every month. Hope you pardon me for that. I am a small time Estate Agent trying to make it big but haven’t been there as yet. Sorry!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photonic Gallery & Lightbox for Flickr, SmugMug & Others] Photos from AlbumDear Mr. Sayontan Sinha,
I am so sorry for I didn’t know that I had to come here to check the replies. I thought the reply would come to my regular mail and that’s why I wrote again.
I tried all of what you taught me and it all works. However, Photonic, all of his own volition, crops vertical images in that case, which is sad. I therefore chose Justified Grid (JG) which works best in every respect because the page loads faster and the viewer can click to start the Slideshow without any loss of image. But that JG has another problem. The tiled Grid becomes too big. Can I not define the size of the Grid? Can I not have more pictures crammed together in a smaller Grid? You see, as it is the viewer clicks to see the Slideshow in this case then why not have a smaller Grid?
I have only one property listing listed on my other newer Domain on the Residential Lease page. But see how long the page has become with only one listing. I need to add at least a dozen more. With such a large Grid the viewer may not know that I’ve got many other listings below unless he scrolls. Instead, he should get to see many Grids at a glance.