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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Feature image is not showingI was having a similar problem with a custom taxonomy and came across this page. I have now fixed it, but I wanted to point out that the Taxonomy Slug was NOT the problem for me – see below:
PREVIOUS SETTINGS (which prevented the featured image from showing)
Taxonomy Slug
iob_themesCustom Rewrite Slug
themesREST API base slug
themesAMENDED SETTINGS (the featured image field now shows)
Taxonomy Slug
iob_themesCustom Rewrite Slug
instruction-themesREST API base slug
So, as you can see, I had already prefixed my Taxonomy Slug (iob_), but I needed to also amend the Custom Rewrite Slug and REST API base slug to fix it.
BTW, I chose the rewrite slug instruction-themes because the themes relate to sets of instructions, so it’s still a good choice.
Ok many thanks for the explanation.
I was trying to update from version 2.2.14 to and I received the response:
Toolset Types cannot update because your site’s registration is not valid. Please register Toolset again for this site first.
I followed your suggestion above: deactivate, update, then reactivate. That worked. But, it appears that version is still having problems.
Or, is it now a requirement for the user to register the site with Toolset?
Josh, I followed your advice and have now fixed all the problem pages in the same way. Well, maybe a slightly different way. Here’s what I did:
I deleted the slideshow variable from the shortcode, so for example I amended
[meteor_slideshow slideshow="gallery-croydon-young-carers"]
Then I updated the post.
Then I typed the variable back into the shortcode i.e. I typed in:
Then I updated the post.The slideshow displayed and it was the correct one.
Weirdly, however, if I tried to use cut and paste instead of manually typing, i.e. if I cut:
Update post
Then paste (what I had just cut), i.e. the following, back in:
Then update, it just didn’t work.That just seems really weird! But, hey, I now have a solution.
Thanks for your help with this.
Yes, I have the same problem on my local site and the production site at also have a staging site where exactly the same problem is happening.
Thanks again for trying to solve this. I’ll just need to have a think about what to do.
Thanks for taking a look at the site. I ran all your suggested tests on my local site, but unfortunately it still doesn’t work.
No, I don’t have any other plugins involved and I can’t think of any unusual customisation I’ve done.
The displayed shortcode is in curly quotes once again (although earlier when I modified it to use straight ones it didn’t make any difference anyway).
Could it be a server config thing? e.g. PHP version? My local site is on PHP 5.3.13
Having said that, on the production, I tried switching to the following PHP versions:
and none of them solved the problem.Hmmm….
After I added that filter, it still displays the shortcode in the page.
I have not added that filter to the production site for offering to take a look. I’ll send you a login to the production site shortly.
Just to be clear, I’ve done the above on my localhost site only.
I’ve just added this to functions.php :
add_filter( 'run_wptexturize', '__return_false' );
This successfully preserves the straight quotes and now the shortcode in the source code is this:
[meteor_slideshow slideshow="gallery-family-action-wandsworth"]
But, the slideshow still doesn’t appear.
Ah yes, that does look like it’s probably the problem. Thanks for spotting that.
The WP post editor is still showing straight quotes (not curly quotes). And, even if I type them in again as straight quotes and update, they are somehow changed to curly quotes at some point and so still show in the source code as
[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”gallery-family-action-wandsworth”]
I have 3 other plugins installed and activated. I deactivated them one by one and did the test above. However, the problem is still there.
By the way, I’m doing the above testing on my localhost version of the site which has exactly the same problem.
Just to say again, I noticed this happening as soon as I updated WordPress if that’s any help.
Josh, thanks for the reply. Sorry for mistakenly calling it an error.
This is one of the pages containing one of the slideshows: can still see the images in the Slides posts in the back end.
It’s all been working perfectly since July 2014. I’ve just recently noticed this issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Portfolio Slideshow] Updating to v1.10.0 breaks the siteGeorge, thanks for the explanation and help with this.
Please ignore my message above where I talk about issues with pagination and navigation. It now looks as though that is an isolated problem with one of my sites which is preventing jquery Cycle plugin from loading (I need to unpick that at some point!).
But I have a new problem with ver 1.11.0 (as tested on a different WP installation running theme Twenty Fourteen):
The slideshow autoplays even though I do not have ‘Enable autoplay’ checked in the settings.
If I check it, it still autoplays (as you would expect).
If I uncheck it again and click save, it remains checked – I can’t uncheck it.
I have a similar problem with the ‘Loop the slideshow’ checkbox.
I don’t have these checkbox issues with the old version of the plugin (ver 1.5.1)
Anyone else experiencing these issues?
RobForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Portfolio Slideshow] Updating to v1.10.0 breaks the siteIn this other thread member takelaa suggests that PHP 5.4 and newer is needed (for the short array syntax).
I changed my site from PHP 5.3 to 5.4 and then updated the plugin again from 1.5.1 to 1.10.0.
This time it didn’t report a syntax error and the slideshow displays, but it doesn’t work correctly. The pagination (e.g. 1 of 5) has disappeared and the navigation doesn’t work at all, either by clicking Prev/Next or by clicking the slides (even though I’ve set clicking on an image to advance the slideshow).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Portfolio Slideshow] Updating to v1.10.0 breaks the siteThanks for the advice about PHP version, George. But my host is running PHP 5.3, so not sure that’s the problem.
I tried nosilver4u’s suggestion and that worked for me too. Thanks for that.