Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Posts show backwardsWhen you say a version higher than 5.0.51 do you mean 5.0.51a? because that is the latest version available on the mysql website.
If 5.0.51a fixes this, I really do hope UBuntu Hardy upgrade to this version before it gets released.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Posts show backwardsYes that seems to be it, thanks for letting me know about this issue… I now know it’s MySQL (as I suspected), and will try to see if a new version of MySQL can still be pushed before Hardy’s release date.
I am going to be reading up on this thread now, thanks.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WordPress uses some bad XHTML tagsI know, but you don’t have much choice, the
tag has been deprecated completely in XHTML 1.0, and that’s not only in Strict.The only alternative way would be to use a style sheet and use a
<span class="underline">
, but that just seems more work to me.Semantic or not, I am going to continue using the
tags, because they should have never removed the<u>
tags, and why did they decide to keep the<strong>
tags then?? I mean if<u>
has been removed, because it represents layout too much, why did they not remove<strong>
? because they repesent layout just as much as the<u>
tag does if you ask me.Seems just like a silly mistake in the XHTML design to me.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Comments Re: WordPress functions outputing directlyThat way would be perfect. I couldn’t agree better ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin won’t work in IE??it appears to have a blank content type:
response headers:
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 04:38:20 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.51 (Fedora)
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.10
Expires: Mon, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 04:38:21 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 7490
Connection: close
Content-Type: ; charset=utf-8200 OK
it was a clean installation, b.t.w, not an upgrade…
Content-Type should be text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: ; charset=utf-8
I got this information, using FireFox and WebDeveloper extension, logging in, clicking on write and checking the resonse headers. this gave me the blank content type. I assume this is why IE throws up the download window if you click on write after logging in
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WordPress 1.5 default theme, why JPEG?I know, I am well aware of alpha problems in IE and the like, but to me, that shouldn’t mean to choose lossy JPEG compression over lossless PNG compression, if you are not going to use alpha in the first place, as JPEG doesn’t support alpha either.
So there really is no point to still not use PNG after so many years, just because some browsers can’t handle alpha. unless you want v3.0 browser support or something – but that is unrealistic
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WordPress 1.5 default theme, why JPEG?Sorry, but “PNG is not universally supported in browsers” is untrue. That was years ago now. things have changed.
PNG is supported in IE 4, 5, 5.5, 6, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape 6+ and many others… so long you don’t use alpha.
– As for Netscape 4, well, if the PNG’s are referenced in the CSS, then you can simply hide the CSS from Netscape 4 using media=”all” – and no probs at all.
– As for the slight gamma issue you might encounter in IE, simple… just remove the gamma field from the PNG’s using PNGOUT, it does it automatically as it optimizes them – and no probs at all.
I have created many sites with only PNG’s and never ever had any issues with it.
Name one browser that is not older than about 4-5 years old or is not below a version of v5.0 that does not support PNG’s without alpha and I might reconsider – but I do not know of any.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugins won’t activateIt’s not in two directories, but I just managed to get the guy that handles the server to Upgrade to PHP 5.0.1.
I have moved the blog back to my index.php page, and everything works except for the plugin is not activated.
But don’t worry, I have a contract to complete in the next 3 weeks, so I won’t touch the blog for a while.
So long it is up, and it is functional, search highlight is only a fancy addon, but doesn’t stop it from working.
so leave it as-is for now.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer don’t show what I wantAnd as Root says, that design would have worked 100% when it left the factory, it’s just when you want to modify the CSS file, you can start running into problems, depends how you go about it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer don’t show what I wantThere are many sites out there: Google for “css-discuss” for example, then there’s:,,,, a lot of sites really…
But the problem is Internet Exploiter. it will ruin perfectly valid CSS designs, because the browser has many CSS bugs. it is bung.
This shows a list of it’s known CSS bugs:
CSS is not supposed to be hard, but Internet Exploiter has made it that way, if it wasn’t for IE’s bugs, there wouldn’t be half the hassle with CSS.
Either keep it simple, use simple CSS that avoids IE’s bugs in the first place…
…or (but I wouldn’t recommend this, unless you are an advanced CSS user), then do what I do, and write am additional “fix” CSS file for IE called ie6fix.css and load it through conditional comments, but once again, I don’t recommend this unless you have had some experience with CSS, and fully understand IE’s bugs.
My site, uses an IE fix file to fix IE’s bugs/quirks.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Timezone won’t set and Comments wont add automatiOk, the timezone is set to +12 and it works great…
I was able to set it in: Options -> Other Options
But there is a similar, blank “time” based field under: Options -> General, which I could not set, it contains a blank, maybe that confused me. I don’t know if it is a double up field, but I can’t set that field anyway.
However, by setting the field in Other Options to +12, it did work anyway, so that is that one solved…. now for the other one ??
Both fields under Comment Moderation contain blanks too, and I cannot set them. Maybe this happened because the setup did not finish sucesfully??? Maybe I need to manually add them with PHPMyAdmin?Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Just won’t install, I gave upRight, thank you, I have set up:
and can log into the admin too… now I will be spending the next few days setting up the loop, so the log is really located:
hope it will work ??
As for the cutting of part during step 3 of setup, I looked at the HTML source it generated, and basically the HTML was simply cut short, like this:
<h1>Step 3</h1>
and no more HTML code after that point, that was the cut off, strange ??Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Just won’t install, I gave upWill have a go tonight, and tomorrow. I do know that the MySQL is working, because the wp_ tables are created in the database, I can see them in PHPMyAdmin.
The blog also sort of works, even though step 3 did not give me any finish information, I can still see a blog that apears functional.
But because step 3 did not finish, I do not know the password to post to the blog, so I do not know if it is functional after that, maybe it is… and just need this password. I just didn’t know how many steps there are in total, because of this stopping at step 3.