1 month ago
No question, just a big thank you to @agssl for posting the information about Hetzner and the mod_phpX.c. I was about to install NinjaFirewall on a Hetzner server and had the same issues, but this thread and your answer solved it <3
1 year, 9 months ago
@michaelvahl this plugin has not been updated for over 9 years.
I would not recommend continuing to use it or using it on new sites.
I also just happened to land here because I found it on a client’s site and wanted to know what the plugin was
3 years ago
Hi @dpeyou,
I’m facing the same issue and therefore activated your plugin to view the information about the invoice numbers, unfortunately I cannot see the list you were talinkg about.
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Is there something else I have to do before the list appears?
Thank you!