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  • Thanks for the info! I will certainly let you know if the faculty use the plugin.

    Hi, I posted to your other site also so please ignore the double posting. I tried loading the ScholarPress in the past and had troubles but just tried it again since your updates and I am able to create the schedules, assignments, etc. The problem is that the pages are not created for the Assignments, Bibliography, or Schedule.

    I added the pages (draft mode) then deactived/activated the plugin. I then added a new schedule and viewed the page (edit mode) and nothing appeared. If it helps, you could see my site using Microsoft SharedView (beta) (free)

    I have some faculty members who are really interested in this plugin and/or Google Sites and your plugin would be much nicer in many respects. Thanks for you patience and help!



    Hi, I am having the same trouble. I uploaded, activated, and then tried to add a schedule. I then tried deactivating and then activating the plugin and got the same error. feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you would like. I get the following error:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘rdonalds_wrdp1.wp_schedule’ doesn’t exist]
    INSERT INTO wp_schedule SET schedule_title = ‘Test 2’, schedule_date = ‘2008-03-21′, schedule_timestart = ’08:00:00′, schedule_timestop = ’09:00:00’, schedule_description = ‘Test 2’

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘rdonalds_wrdp1.wp_schedule’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT scheduleID FROM wp_schedule WHERE schedule_title = ‘Test 2’ and schedule_date = ‘2008-03-21’ and schedule_description = ‘Test 2’

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