Forum Replies Created
Ok thematrixit, i will try to fix it.
What shortcode do you use to show all albums combined?@katmac_aus
Mmm i tried to create 2 albums and put 1 gallery for each album.
Using [album id=all template=extend] it show me the 2 galleries but when i click on a galery… 404…!Are galleries links working for you?
Ok i will try to fix it as soon as possible and release a new version.
Thank you to use my plugin!
Ok i have uploaded new version.
Now all existing galleries before the plugin activation will show the comment form.————————————————————–
IMPORTANT!I found a problem that i can’resolve right now:
For now, comments are show on galleries only when they are not called directly in post/page with shortcode. Example:
[nggallery id=X] —-> gallery comments are not showed
[album id=X] —-> gallery comments are showed (Not in album list, but inside the gallery page)
I will check in next releases to find a way to do it.
for “editing the gallery” i mean to go in admin->nextgen gallery->manage gallery->click to the gallery and then click update, but there is no need with the new release.“Inserting a comment on gallery redirects to /wp-comments-post.php, stops loading and shows a blank page. Inserting comment on album post will show them still on gallery.”
What do you mean? Could you write an example?
Ok i figured out.
If you edit and save your gallery, the comments will show.
This is because i need to add a script inside the activaction function of the plugin in order to check the existing galleries and fix connection with comments script.
Tomorrow i will release new version.
For now, let me know if editing the gallery will show the comments.
Hi, what version of WP are you usìng?
Do you have active some plugins that modify the comments?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextGEN Gallery Comments] NEXTGEN Gallery date plugin errorI have updated the version, please post all next questions in the plugin forum.
See you there if you need help ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextGEN Gallery Comments] NEXTGEN Gallery date plugin errorYes, i forgot a “;” after the line ??
$galleries = apply_filters(‘ngg_album_galleries_before_paging’, $galleries, $album);
Ok no time for weekend ??
I uploaded version 0.1.1, now it works with fresh install.
Let me know if all will be ok ??Ok i found the problem, monday i will upload a new release and a wordpress installation where to check for demo and all instructions.
Have a good weekend ??
Hi, did you read the instruction in the readme.txt file?
I mean, about the nggallery folder.Let me know, I will help you.
Mmm You are customizing the one present in “view” folder inside nextgen-gallery plugin folder, right?
You must create a new folder named nggallery in your theme gallery and then paste inside all the file (at least what you need) of the “view” folder.
The plugin automatically will use your custom files and everytime you update the plugin, those file will never be overwrited.
It’s all clear?
don’t know if you resolved, but… i give you an hint:use a ONEOFYOURUSERDETECTIONSCRPTS for check the current user and then apply a function like this with the filter ‘mce_buttons’:
mce_buttons –> row n.1
mce_buttons_2 –> row n.2
mce_buttons_3 –> row n.3
mce_buttons_4 –> row n.4function yourfunc($buttons){ unset($buttons['0']); // delete the firt button of the row return $buttons; } add_filter( 'mce_buttons', 'yourfunc', 1000 ); //use 1000 because the same filter used inside the PLUGIN use 999...
That’s all folks ??
Let me know if all is ok ??