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  • Thread Starter robertFudge


    I will request insight .


    Thread Starter robertFudge


    More details in addition to above….

    I see that a lot of people are struggling with this, so I will share my solution in very simple terms, but in an “understandable” way:

    Just make a copy of your gallery.php file (located within the view folder which is located in the Next Gen Gallery directory; the path is something like: YOURDOMAIN.COM/WORDPRESS_INSTALATION_FOLDER/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/view/GALLERY.PHP)

    Let’s name it gallery-new.php. Open the file with any text editor or Sublime, and paste this echo to the title and description (just paste it below this line):

    <div class=”ngg-galleryoverview” id=”<?php echo $gallery->anchor ?>”>

    <?php echo $gallery->title ?>
    <?php echo $gallery->description ?>

    You can also add a “Go Back to Galleries” button by adding a very basic line of code:

    Go Back

    Save your file and upload it.


    Log in into WordPress, in the dashboard, select the Gallery icon (Next Gen Gallery’s icon, more specifically > GALLERY SETTINGS > NEXT GEN BASIC THUMBNAILS).

    And here is the simple solution: just select your template in the TEMPLATE menu (right below Show Slideshow), in this case select gallery-new.php, then save the changes and you’re done! ??

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