Forum Replies Created
Since this is not an option within the theme, you will have to edit the content-single.php template file.
Look for the following line of code, which should be on line 21 and remove it:
<?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘large’, array( ‘class’ => ‘archive-image’ ) ); ?>You can edit the size of your thumbnails right in the backend of WordPress by navigating to Settings > Media. The blog archives use the “Large” size thumbnail. Change it to your desired size then make sure to regenerate your thumbnails.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridsby] Make the menu button disappear, etc..You can add this custom CSS.
.entry-title::before, .widget-title::before { background-color: #fff; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridsby] How to get Blogposts in the gallerypageHi,
You must create a post and assign it the “Image” post format. These will automatically populate your home page and every gallery page template.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridsby] Menu not workingIvnat,
You are correct. The first step is adding some gallery photos. For anyone else looking to set up this theme, here is some documentation.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridsby] How add lightbox functionality in masonry gallerymagebunny,
It looks like you added some custom CSS to your theme allowing the max width of the images to be 1200px. The theme generates custom thumbnails which are smaller than that, which is why your images look pixelated.
Your best bet is probably to edit the functions.php file on line 59 and change the ‘Gallery Full’ image size from 600 to 1200. Make sure to regenerate your thumbnails after, or the image sizes won’t change.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridsby] gallery will only show 4 picturesCan you provide a URL? You must also make sure you are selecting the “Image” post format or they won’t populate the gallery page templates or the home page.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridsby] only 3 blog post showing – can it be expanded?You will have to edit the page-home.php template file. On line 140 look for this line of code…
$args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘post’, ‘posts_per_page’ => 3, ‘tax_query’ => array(
Change the number 3 to another number and you should be all set.
Theme author here…
This theme uses a custom image size (created in functions.php) for gallery images that won’t allow for a width of more than 450px. Can you supply a URL? I would be happy to take a look and see what is happening here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to connect your website with PayPalYes. PayPal Email and Receiver Email. Usually the same.
You definitely will need a checkout page. You can just create one, call it “Checkout” and leave it blank. Then navigate to Woocommerce > settings > checkout and select it in the “Checkout page” selection box. This will now declare it as the checkout base page.
Woocommerce usually sets these pages up for you but maybe you accidentally deleted it. That should do the trick.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Require Login to View Page (Redirect to wp-admin)WordPress offers a basic version of this built in to its core. When editing a page, click “edit” next to visibility:public in the publish box (top right).
Select “Password protected”, and you can add a password right there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to connect your website with PayPalOnly other issue may be the versions of Woocommerce and WordPress you are using. I would recommend checking to see if both are up to date. I know that an older version of Woocommerce with a newer version of WordPress, or vice versa, are not compatible.
You should also back up your site in case you wish to revert after the update.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding jQuery without breaking stuffAndrew is right, deregistering the current WordPress version of JQuery is never good practice if you are relying on the use of plugins. Plugin authors work hard to keep their plugins up to date with the most recent versions of WordPress and this might be their biggest pet peeve as outdated versions of JQuery easily break them.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to connect your website with PayPalI would check and see if you have PayPal sandbox (test mode) on.
Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > PayPal Sandbox and un-check it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Page Title and Nav BarPaste at bottom of style sheet or locate and change the following…
#navigation { width: 600px; } { text-align: right; }