Forum Replies Created
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: show menu plugin to Suscriptor Roleya I dont under stand the question either are U trying to have diffrent menu’s for diffrent roles?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding an entire website into a menu item?are U asking when you click on one of the menu’s iteims to jump to another webpage?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't access dashboard, database error, wp-config correctwhat was the code U changed? I might beable to help you but not knowing what U changed I couldnt tell U how to do it… there might besome ways you can correct it… copy the parent php file in to the child theam.. manual edit the MySQL db.. or correct the php function.. with out knowing more about your problem I dont know what else to tell you
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Copying HTML into Page
there is a link of how to correctly do it, but a lot of people use plug ins to do it.. unless some one here has a better idea
here is a plugin I havent used it but u can also search for plug ins Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No access and automatically directed to wp-loginyou would just be able to clear your cookies and close both web browser.. to close the session and it should work for you. and restoart you computer…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Copying HTML into Pagethere are some plug ins that allow you to do it. I think that would be the easyest way for you to do it.. You can if you really want to it to work with out that the only way I know is you will have to do some PHP programing.. like making a child theam with the page.. there might be a easyer way but I done know.. but a plug in I that allows html to run I think would be the easyest way for you
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't access dashboard, database error, wp-config correctwhere U moving your site from a local pc then moving to your web-host?? bc that what it sorta sounds like U did… if that is what U did… I think U missed one of your addresses U forgot to change.. bc there is something like 8 or so url U have to change to get it to work