19 years, 10 months ago
Lorelle – Thanks, you’re awesome. That is what I needed. I don’t mind coding it like that at all.
nevermind. i deleted some stuff in some wp files. i uploaded new copies and solved it.
also, if i assign a post to two categories (one being General, the other being Sports for example) the post only shows in the archives as being listed under General.
thanks, but do i do this here (this is in my sidebar.php):
<?php wp_get_archives(‘monthly’); ?> //what it currently looks like
<?php wp_get_archives(‘cat=X’); ?> //change it to this? i tried and it did not work.
well, i added a how-to on gallery/wordpress. hope i didnt leave anything out.
pezastic – i am going to try and write a step by step how-to. i found a few articles on how to do it, but i’m using gallery 1.5.
which version do you have?
19 years, 11 months ago
How did you get your pictures to show on the admin page?
None of my albums show, and by reading what you posted above I think I have everything correct.
All I see is:
Album -1: No picture found
If anyone has a line 97 fix for this great plugin, i’d be greatful.
Hi. I really like the looks of this plugin on
Unfortunately I had the same problem.
Check out the solution here. I think something may be a little still though.