Rob Smelik
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] Generates Error MessagesHi Pedro,
Thanks for the heads up on this. I assume the reason you are seeing this is because you have PHP error logging turned on. What you are seeing is a PHP strict standards error. Strict standards don’t necessarily mean that the code is written incorrectly but rather that certain versions of php recommend different methods for executing the same functions.
You are right though the plugin is probably due for a refresh and I will look into rewriting that portion of the code to support strict standards over the next week. If you could let me know what version of PHP your running on your server it would be awesome.
That being said I just wanted to let you know that the methods I used for registering both the plugin’s widget areas and the widgets are taken directly from the WordPress Codex. I just tested them on a fresh install of WordPress with the current version 4.8 with multiple themes and they still work fine.
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Posts Carousel] Custom Breakpoints / Media QueriesHello, I know it has been a while but was wondering if you happen to have an answer to this specific question. I truly want to make this my go-to plugin for future client projects but need to know if it can handle custom breakpoints like the description says.
So far I have had no luck getting them to work. Although I can define them in the settings and they show up in the widget, the parameters I enter in the widgets custom breakpoint area (1, 2, 3) don’t change the layout on the screen sizes specified.
Not sure if the feature is broken or if I am doing something incorrectly. Thanks in advance for your response!
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Rob Smelik.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Plugin for order status progress barI ran across the following plugin on the WordPress plugin repository in search of similar functionality:
This might work for what you are trying to achieve although it may require custom styling to match the overall look you’ve shown in your example.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Rob Smelik.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] awesomeThank you for the kind words… So glad you like it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] Non-users area?Hi dis-annie,
No problem at all… was happy to help. If you like the plugin I would love a quick review!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] Non-users area?Hi dis-annie,
What you want to do is drag the Gravity Forms Login Widget into the Users – Logged Out widget area and then drag the URWA – Users By Status (display widget) into the sidebar or widget area where you want the login form to appear. If you do that, the Gravity Forms Login Widget should only appear to logged out or non-registered users.
You will need to go to another browser where you aren’t logged in to test it or simply log out of WordPress to see it.
On a side note you can also drag any widgets into the Users – Logged In widget area and those widgets will appear to all registered users who are logged in.
Hope that helps!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser.Well shortly after posting my message above I ran across a thread on Stack Exchange with a solution that worked… at least for me it did. Here is the link to the thread.
I used the second solution posted by Raj on June 3, 2015.
Basically, it involves adding a bit of code to your theme’s functions file. However, if you are applying this fix it is recommended that you use FTP to access and modify that file. Be sure the code you copy and paste looks exactly the way it does in the link above. Sometimes quote marks in code can change slightly when copying it within certain editors. Also it is advisable that you make a backup a copy of that file before you replace it with the newly modified version.
I am still not sure if this fix is one that would be advised by WordPress core developers or support staff but would love if someone could weigh in on that. All I know is that after searching high and low I finally found a solution that works.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser.This problem has been a truly persistent one for me that I have not been able to solve as well, despite having a fair bit of development experience.
For me… I log in for the first time in a new session and the error appears. I try to log once more and WordPress logs me in with no error. If you do a general search for this error message on both Google and WordPress and you get page upon page of threads regarding this topic. All of which have different recommendations.
If there is anyone who is a core developer at WordPress or knowledgeable support staff who can shed any light on this I would truly be appreciative. Thanks in advance!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] User role widget areas has strict standard errorsHello Caroline,
My apologies for not responding to this comment sooner and thank you for the heads up on this.
Although when I developed the plugin I used the best practices defined in the WordPress Codex, it does appear that one of the php constructors was depricated in a previous version of WordPress. Meaning it will be eventually phased out. I will be sure to update the legacy code in the next release.
Just to clarify (for others reading this post) the error mentioned above does not immediately impact the plugins functionality. It simply means that the newest version of php uses different methods for writing certain functions. Although the methods I have used are still valid they will eventually be phased out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] widget show guestSorry for the delayed response… I have been out of town.
Not sure if I completely understand the question but hopefully this helps. If you want to only show a widget to Administrators first drag any widget into the Users – Administrators widget area. Then drag the display widget labeled URWA – Users by Role into one of your themes active sidebar or widget areas. If you refresh the front end of your website while still logged in as an Administrator the widget you placed in the Users – Administrators widget area should show up.
Note: All user and role based widget areas that this plugin offers requires this two step process. In other words… your widgets will not show up until you drag one of the display widgets into an active sidebar.
Hope that helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] The URWA – All Logged In Users doesn't existNo problem at all.
If you like the plugin and have been happy with the support, would love if you could drop me a review.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] The URWA – All Logged In Users doesn't existI just loaded up that theme on my testing server and got it to work but it does require a fair bit of configuration.
Before you do anything else I recommend dragging an empty text widget into every sidebar/widget area that the theme provides and give it a title that corresponds to the name of that area.
For example: In Sidebar Block 1 you would give the text widget a title of Sidebar Block 1
After that create a new Page and label it whatever you want. Then you need to select the Template from the Page Attributes options. This will define the sidebar configuration which this theme uses to build the page. Once that is done save your newly created Page and hop on over to Settings > Reading. There you want to set your Front Page to a static front page and select your newly created page from the list. The widgets should now show up.
Some themes you simply have to activate and you are done others require a bit more configuration. This one looks like it has a good bit of documentation in the Theme Options about the setup. It is possible that something was overlooked.
Hope that helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] The URWA – All Logged In Users doesn't existHi thanosargiroulis,
My apologies, in the last update I had re-labeled that widget so it would be more clear to users but I inadvertently forgot to update the documentation to reflect it. The new name of the display widget is “URWA – Users by Role” and it will display all the role based widget areas.
Alternately the “URWA – Users by Status” display widget, displays the “Users – Logged In” and the “Users – Logged Out” widget areas.
Hope that helps. I will try and get the documentation updated quickly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] Plugins works, but there is a blind passengerThe plugin has been updated to address the issue mentioned in this thread. I am marking this topic resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Widget Areas] Custom User RolesHi Nahid,
Currently the User Role Widget Areas plugin only supports standard WordPress user roles, but let me take a look at the WC Vendors documentation and see how the user roles are structured. If the documentation is somewhat clear I may consider writing a standalone URWA plugin for WC Vendors. I’ll let you know.