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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.I come to you folks this evening with my tail between my legs…
Yesterday around the same time I edited my php.ini file. Why? I found a guide online on how to edit it because I wanted to increase the upload size of files I want to upload. Whatever I did caused it to error out. I changed it back to default and sure enough, phpmyadmin and wp-admin works now.
I completely forgot I had done that. Someone in the httpd IRC chat said check your Apache logs, so I did. I posted the recent log that came up when I tried to connect to phpmyadmin and he said it’s a PHP issue. I said you’d bet your car on it? He said absolutely. Well, he’s keeping his car. ??
Thank you for the help you guys gave me, but my issue in particular is fixed. I think it’d be best to leave the thread open until other users who were having the same issue post back and let us know they’re working again?? Just a thought. Thanks guys.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.Were you saying that as a metaphor, meaning YOU personally want my box to debug or “we” in general would just need it? Because it’s my server. It’s in my house. Just throwing that out there. ??
Yeah, I have no clue how it happened this way. I was in PHPMyAdmin about an hour before I was adding content when this happened. I had no issues then with it. Throughout the content adding is when I updated when things went south.
I just hate having to redo a box like this because even though right now THIS situation makes sense to redo that, what will happen if I end up working for a large corporation with a wordpress site and we update and I say lol let’s redo it? I can’t do that, so forcing myself to do it the hard way now makes the most sense. However, it sounds like I’m very unlikely to ever run into this issue later down the road, so maybe I’ll take my chances and tank the box later tonight…
I don’t recall what steps I got to. I DID notice that it said successfully done, however if it said something else in terms of completing the upgrade, I don’t know. I saw something about successful, and I thought cool, and went back to editing.
If it was user error, I need to know. I feel I’m pretty good with computers, but I’ve made some EXTREMELY weird errors happen too based on ID-10-T incidents that were entirely to blame on myself. With me being new to WordPress, that could have happened too.
I can’t help but to wonder how other users were having issues though. There were several “Yeah, me too’s” above…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.I completely agree with you, but I was asking other users in the WordPress IRC chat and they were confused over why PHPMyAdmin would not log in. PHPMyAdmin, from what I understand, is basically a GUI frontend to MySQL. So if I cannot log into PHPMyAdmin, it screams an issue with MySQL. But what issue? For who? Why? It was a WordPress update. How could it effect MySQL?
Let me be very clear about something.
I had everything set up. Everything was running fine. I was in the process of adding links and content to my site. I got a popup for WordPress 3.0 update. I accepted it and installed it. It said completed without error. THEN… exactly then… I began having issues. I decided to log out, then back in to see if maybe I needed to do that for the update to work right – and bingo – couldn’t log back in.
It’s definitely something WordPress related that at least caused this issue. I’m sorry, but how can it not be? That’s like taking a perfectly working car engine, pouring sand in the tank and it seizing up and shutting off and the owner saying “Well, clearly the sand had something to do with it” with me, Mr. Mechanic saying, “no actually the sand had nothing to do with it. You might need new rear tires to fix this issue.”
If I can’t get a fix by tonight, I’m redoing the box. I need this set up. I’m kicking myself for ever updating…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.Here’s what I’ve done, running Ubuntu 10.04 with Apache2 PHP5 PHPMyAdmin MySQL Server 5.1
– Moved the plugins folder out of the /var/www folder and created a new folder named plugins, ultimately making no plugins available for the web site.
– Fired up my work laptop, and to my surprise WP Admin was successfully restored, despite the fact I cannot log in from the login page on any other computers. I deactivated the only plugin I had installed.
– Did a manual install, by removing ALL files (after backing them up of course) from the /var/www folder and extracting WordPress 3.0 to that folder. I then went through the configuration process again, to which it errored out saying Error Establishing Database Connection.
– Finally I removed and purged MySQL Server 5.1 and PHPMyAdmin. I reinstalled both. When MySQL got reinstalled it naturally asked me for my password, so I put in the same password I used before. The installation went fine, and yet I still cannot log in to PHPMyAdmin.
Plugin related? No. It’s not. If it were plugin related, my problem would be fixed, but it’s not.
The other thing is, I only set this box up two nights ago. I feel like the only way I can get it running again is to reinstall Ubuntu. That’s not the proper way to do things, but I want this darn site running. What else can I possibly do?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.Cancel that. I did a removal and purge of MySQL Server 5.1 and re-added it. Added the same password I used before, and yet still PHPMyAdmin doesn’t let me log in.
Wow. Really?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.I’m glad I’m not alone. It’s discouraging to having only used WordPress for a matter of 2 days and already an upgrade completely borked my setup. I’m not really sure what else to do. The users in the IRC chat on freenode have been extremely helpful, but ultimately all I get is no where since everybody is as confused as I am.
Shimshon9, can you log into phpmyadmin, or does that error out too? I’m curious about doing a removal/purge of MySQL and re-adding it to see if I can rebuild what I once had to see if that’ll fly…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.None of the above worked.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.0 – Cannot Log In To WP Admin Now.Didn’t work. What can I do?
EDIT – Wow. I can’t log into phpmyadmin either. Do I have the right password? YUP! I had it saved in Firefox.