Hi Ed,
The first image that shows up on each of the two test blog posts I have is the featured image. If you take a look at the first post (title “Test 1”), the same photo shows twice – once at the beginning of the post (what was designated as the featured image) and the second time in the body of the post (where I purposefully inserted it). However, when you click on the link to the blog post itself, the featured image doesn’t appear on the full page.
Removing the designated featured image from “Test 1” will remove it from the blog page, but then it also removes it from the Content Views plugin on my static page (https://www.roaminglessonsphoto.com — at the bottom).
What I’m trying to do is keep the designated featured image for each blog post, but then NOT have it show up anywhere on the blog page itself. Ideally, I’d like the featured image to be an image of something in the blog post itself, but not be repeated anywhere.
Thanks for the response! Hopefully this helps!