Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Third party code – after switching to cdnok great, thanks, was interesting it shows up on the cdn but not when its hosted.. I guess its a trade off on TTFB.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Product Size Charts Plugin for WooCommerce] Pop up link doesn’t workWas there any resolution to this? Am thinking about getting the plugin and an also using shopkeeper.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Site reloads constantlyI removed the broken scripts..and I am getting one error in css so I have spoken to the plugin developer.. but I am still seeing the flash. Could this be caused by one missing bracket in the css?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Site reloads constantlyok I have criticalcss account..I can add the site and see?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Site reloads constantlyHi Frank , thanks, can you tell me what you used to find the errors so I can run the same.. Image above is small
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Stripe Checkout not workingI edited the code and added https:// to the success and failed pages. And it works, for some reason the widget to create the code doesn’t put them in ..
Anyway that worked for me.
Thanks for your time and a great plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Stripe Checkout not workingI changed the code..and updated it.. but no joy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Stripe Checkout not workingDo i Just add it like this? Sorry am not sure…
In Exclude scripts from Autoptimize: I have added: stripe.js
wp-includes/js/dist/, wp-includes/js/tinymce/, js/jquery/jquery,js,stripe.js,
Or do I need to add something else.. the above does not work for me.
This is the code to add the button:
<!-- Load Stripe.js on your website. --> <script src=""></script> <!-- Create a button that your customers click to complete their purchase. Customize the styling to suit your branding. --> <button style="background-color:#6772E5;color:#FFF;padding:8px 12px;border:0;border-radius:4px;font-size:1em" id="checkout-button-price_1GzRojLzfdYlHbbNAgf8eI8s" role="link" > Checkout </button> <div id="error-message"></div> <script> (function() { var stripe = Stripe('pk_live_51Gxza4LzfdYlHbbNEOHdzeMhrNGh2v8ANIaEABSpQMXTKhnxH9dSWaIcdxUBRSMqQKaXnkKZmipyFu73gJ2G8nDW0070xQCF5A'); var checkoutButton = document.getElementById('checkout-button-price_1GzRojLzfdYlHbbNAgf8eI8s'); checkoutButton.addEventListener('click', function () { // When the customer clicks on the button, redirect // them to Checkout. stripe.redirectToCheckout({ lineItems: [{price: 'price_1GzRojLzfdYlHbbNAgf8eI8s', quantity: 1}], mode: 'payment', // Do not rely on the redirect to the successUrl for fulfilling // purchases, customers may not always reach the success_url after // a successful payment. // Instead use one of the strategies described in // successUrl: window.location.protocol + '//', cancelUrl: window.location.protocol + '//', }) .then(function (result) { if (result.error) { // If <code>redirectToCheckout</code> fails due to a browser or network // error, display the localized error message to your customer. var displayError = document.getElementById('error-message'); displayError.textContent = result.error.message; } }); }); })(); </script>
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by roamingk.
I fixed it with #sidebar #snippet-box {
display: none;
}It appears to be coming in regardless of theme.
I understand what you are saying, and I looked at your screenshot which makes sense, however the plugin that adds the custom post types ( …does not seem to add the post type to jetpack.
Is there a way to deregister the post type through the code?
the snippet box is empty when I add the custom post content.
well I must have a theme conflict then because the snippet box appears on the custom post form from the plugin (logoos from codecanyon). The logos appear on the side bar in a widget, but pull the meta data from the post in the content area.
great all working perfectly now.