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  • Thread Starter RMS1


    The problem was fixed overnight. According to my web service provider’s tech assistance, “The issue was with the PHP version of your website which was 7.0 and now I have updated it to 7.2.”

    Thread Starter RMS1


    Yes, thanks for that. I just found the “admin” section of the address myself a few minutes ago.
    – RMS1

    You should be able to see “WPR Menu” in the WordPress dashboard. Select it, and see two tabs – General Settings and Menu Appearance.
    Configuration is mainly selecting from the available choices in the screens for those two tabs. When you have finished, a new menu appears at the top of the iPad screen, over your site’s header.
    In General Settings: “Elements to hide in menu”, I copied the sample code provided, into the text bar. This code removed the existing menu from my header, because it doesn’t work on mobiles and tablets. (Removing it won’t affect the menu when seen in computer browsers.)
    Whatever changes you make to the default settings, you must save them.
    In the Menu Appearance tab you can alter the way the plugin displays its own version of your menu. For example, I set “Menu open direction” to Top. I also added my own text into “Menu text”, but you don’t have to add anything.
    Again, you must save the changes.
    In my iPad I constantly refreshed the site’s website page I was on, every time I saved the changes. These immediately took effect on the iPad. (Haven’t been able to check it on a smartphone yet.)
    I hope that helps.

    Update: after configuring the WPR plugin in the WP dashboard, this plugin now works beautifully on my iPad. Very pleased with it!

    I realise the plugin is compatible to version 4.2.4. But, can anyone get it – or other similar plugins for menus displayed on mobiles and tablets – to work in the latest version of WordPress?
    I recently installed WordPress 4.3, and have started building a web in it. The theme I am using is the premium version of Eyesite. Most of my menu headings do not open to pages, they open up to display a sub-menu of clickable pages.
    In computer browsers my menu works well. On my iPad it does not. I have installed five or six plugins, but have uninstalled all of them, as none of them work. Currently WP Responsive Menu is installed, although not working. This is my site (still being built):

    Thread Starter RMS1


    Thread Starter RMS1


    I don’t know why the link didn’t appear in above posting. Will try here:

    Thread Starter RMS1


    Apologies for the messed-up posting. Am new at this. Didn’t realise there was a need to add code endings. I will try again, under a new posting and heading.
    – Roger

    Thread Starter RMS1


    In response to further postings… I don’t think I’ll have any problems with FP pages not working in newer browsers, as I don’t use FP extensions. But, if or when it happens, especially on the most popular browsers, I’ll make a change.

    Re Dreamweaver, yes, have heard it will handle importation of FP webs. But it’s expensive, which is why I first asked about WP.

    Thanks, TimG211, for your offer – may take it up, if necessary, down the track, when I get around to buying that new computer! However, am in Australia, if that is relevant to posting disks overseas.

    Thread Starter RMS1


    Apologies for the long response.

    In answer to questions – I have not transferred my FP site to WP. I am still updating web pages via FP on my computer, and FTP-ing them to the internet site. This means I haven’t encountered any issues.

    The only reason I considered WP was if I bought a new computer. FP 2002 was already loaded on the old computer when I bought it, but as I don’t have the installation files, I would need an alternative program.

    Like Spudgun I can’t be bothered reinventing the wheel – unless there is no alternative. I’m still using the old computer. When/if I move to a new computer, I ought to be able to plug in and use the old computer to update and FTP the FP pages, or even copy and paste them to a new computer, and FTP them from there. I know it sounds awkward, but it can be done in minutes for each update, and will save hours of set up, transferring to WP and solving all inevitable problems.

    Should the old computer break down, I will already have copies of all FP web pages on the new computer (and on the net). These pages are very simple – no bells and whistles. If necessary, in a new computer I can make changes and do updates via HTML code, and test them locally in a web browser.

    Anyway, at the moment that’s the theory and the plan… And there’s probably a “WP for Dummies” book around, should I eventually need it.

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