R+L Carriers
Forum Replies Created
Marking as completed, but please let us know if any issues persist.
Hello John! We’ve updated to version 1.8.2, which should correct this issue. Please test and let us know if you have further issues.
We apologize for the issues in 1.8. We’ve updated to 1.8.1 which restores the missing files. Please download and test.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] Shipping Rates not enabledPlease make sure you have added weight, dimensions and shipping class to each product you intend to get shipping rates for. Once you reach the checkout, you will need to fill out a destination address in order to get a quote.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] wordpress version 5.3.1The plugin has been tested to WP 5.4.1 and Woocommerce version 4.1.1. Try disabling other plugins one by one to check for conflicts. You could also check the logs on the Woocommerce status page. Unfortunately, I cannot solve the issue with the given information. If these options don’t help, please submit a ticket to the Technology Help Desk department at https://www.rlcarriers.com/contact/contactform
Thank you for your support question. Plugin is updated to work with 3.8. Please update your plugin to the latest version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] Liftgate UpchargeNo, it will not override the liftgate option.
It does override the numerical value set under WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping->Manage Shipping Methods->Edit->Minimum Freight Weight. The default setting is 150lbs but you can manually enter any value.
You can use the checkbox you mentioned to enable a particular product to ship via R+L despite being lighter than the Minimum Freight Weight.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] Liftgate UpchargeWe used the link you provided for your test site. During checkout we are seeing the following error: Product #264: WILTON WACF-3037 is missing shipping class. Skipping.
It looks like all of the products might be missing their shipping class. You can set that value in the WooCommerce product admin page. Under the shipping options for each product there is a field for shipping class. The R+L Rate Quote API requires that information to return a quote.
If you do not know the shipping class for a product you can calculate it on the R+L websites at: https://www2.rlcarriers.com/freight/shipping/density-calculator
You will need the weight and dimensions of each product to get its shipping class. Once those are filled out you should start seeing quoted values in the cart and checkout.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] Liftgate UpchargeHi Oscar,
On the R+L Carriers settings page you can “Toggle Destination Accessorials”. One of those options is “Liftgate Needed for Delivery”. If you turn that option on then the user will see a checkbox during checkout. Also, the “Overrides Destination Accessorials” for Liftgate should be turned off if you want the user to be able to make the choice themselves.
If the user selects that checkbox during checkout then the accessorial will be included in the quoted shipping rate. However, the charge is not a flat fee of $100. If you turn on debug mode you can see the R+L Response which breaks down the exact quoted cost of the Liftgate accessorial.
The plugin does not currently support a custom flat fee for accessorials. It is possible to add a custom flat fee to all shipments but that does not fit your needs. We would suggest using the quoted Liftgate cost.
Hi Joe, Great talking to you on the phone. As we discussed, the issue seen on your site was caused by the debug mode being set to true in the wp-config. Once this setting is set to false, the users were able to use the site regardless of any issue with the RLC plugin.
We are pushing for a release that will display errors in a cleaner way on the Admin page so they are easier to read and less intrusive to the admin users. As always, please let us know if you face any additional issues. Thank you for choosing R+L and let’s get shipping!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] Woocommerce 3.2.6 – No RatesHello,
We have been unable to replicate this issue. We are using the most recent version of WooCommerce 3.2.6 which was release approximately 2 weeks ago.
When R+L is the only shipping method available we are still seeing the rate appear in the shipping calculator.
It is possible that another plugin or your theme is interfering. You can try deactivating other plugins and reverting back to a default theme to see if the shipping calculator looks correct.
The R+L Rate Quote service will only return shipping service options that are currently available. During this busy holiday season it is very likely that you will only see “R+L Carriers Standard Delivery Service” as the only available option. Once the holidays are over it should go back to offering higher levels of service if your chosen settings allow it.
To confirm that the plugin is displaying all possible service levels you can turn on debug mode and view the response from the R+L service. If you see service levels in the response that are not displayed on your cart then double check your service level settings (checkboxes near the bottom of the R+L settings page inside WooCommerce).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] Shipping Class Necessary?This plugin does require that each product in cart has a shipping class.
Only the number is required to receive a rate quote (in your example 300). If a weight, shipping class, origin, and destination are sent as part of the request then you will receive a rate quote.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Shipping Method: R+L Carriers] Occasional exception on all pagesHi,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The problem is not with the plugin. R+L’s rate quote service is having a temporary outage. They have estimated that the outage will last for 30 minutes.
I will leave this ticket open until it is confirmed that the service is back up.