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  • Try going to wp-admin -> Users -> Your Profile

    At the very top, there’s a checkbox that says “Disable the visual editor when writing”. If that’s checked, should solve your problem.

    If it’s not, switch themes (just to see if that helps).

    Try downloading the latest version of WP and uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders.

    How do you define the menu items in your theme (ie, does it automatically add pages or does it support the administrative menu option)?

    If it supports admin menus, link to the categories for your posts rather than the pages. You’d have a category for recipes, finances, charities, etc. Those category links will automatically show all the content within that category.

    Can you give a link to your website?

    Off the cuff, I’d look at plugins that edit the page title, such as All In One SEO Pack.

    You’re better off creating a child theme and actually reordering the elements. Presently, your featured image is being output before the title.

    <header class="entry-header">
    <img width="624" height="351" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="CameraZOOM-20121228111423265">
    <h1 class="entry-title">
    <a href="" title="Permalink to Starting Your Fitness Quest, Part 1: Fitness vs. Weight Loss" rel="bookmark">Starting Your Fitness Quest, Part 1: Fitness vs. Weight Loss</a>
    										<div class="comments-link">
    <a href="" title="Comment on Starting Your Fitness Quest, Part 1: Fitness vs. Weight Loss"><span class="leave-reply">Leave a reply</span></a>				</div><!-- .comments-link -->

    While it’s possible to reorder with CSS, it’s generally a bad idea.

    As far as including the featured image in the RSS feed, give this plugin a shot: Featured Image in RSS Feed

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Mystery from error log

    Can you contact the plugin author? It appears there’s a syntax error in the code that’s causing the MySQL query to run into the PHP. Just a guess from here
    AND ( uro.group_id IN ('5') OR uro.user_id = '8' ) gjort av require('wp-blog-header.php')

    Did this just start, or has it been going on for a while?

    Alternatively, disable any and all plugins you don’t need.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Problem with embed code

    I’m going to venture a guess that the HTML encoding portion was what did it. I don’t know though.

    I’d just copy the code <i>exactly</i> as it appears in your post (in the text editor) and place that within a textarea. Anything within a textarea will [should] be treated as plain text. See if that works, then go from there with customizing.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Problem with embed code

    As bcworkz asked, did you insert that textarea with the embed code using the Visual or Text editor? When I took the code from your site and plopped it into Text, it added double quotes.

    Two options
    A) The Visual editor is converting your double quotes
    B) Whatever you copy/pasted from was using “smart quotes” (Word is typically the culprit, but other programs do it, too)

    Try writing out the embed code in Notepad, then copying it into your post from the Text editor.

    Unless this is a WP specific function that I haven’t run across, you want to use file_get_contents(). That’s the PHP function.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Automatic Page Creation

    You’ll want to use wp_insert_post. That will let you generate any post/page you’d like, and will return the ID so you can update other options (like static front page, for example).

    I don’t think there is a real “best practice.” The rule I typically follow is clumping (generally, serializing) together data I will be retrieving at the same time.

    Example: How often do you retrieve first name without last name? Or website address without website name?

    So if the data will <i>in general</i> be retrieved at the same time, then I’d go with serializing. If it won’t be, then make separate tables.

    +1 to what Steve Jones said.

    CPTs will give you the option of creating your own meta boxes and generally controlling the input more.

    Are you on a shared host? All I can think of is your instance is that another site on that host was blocked and now you’re being blocked as a result. Hopefully someone else will have a better idea.

    Is your theme using a WP menu? If so, go to Admin -> Appearance -> Menus to control what shows up.

    If it’s not, the top nav is typically held in your theme’s header.php file. If you could post the menu portion of the code (starts with <nav id="top-menu"> in your page’s source), we could probably come up with a solution.

    Do you have search engine visibility turned on? Check Admin -> Settings -> Privacy

    If so, it might just be taking a while.

    Please use backticks around your code (it’s just easier to read).

    Where are you loading this script? If you’re doing

    <script src="myscript.js" />

    it won’t have access to the WP variables, like it will if you put the script between the <head> tags.

    Another option is to wrap your code in a function, which is held in a JS file. You would call the function in the <head> tags and pass the URL in there as a parameter. (See a question on StackOverflow for a probably better explanation.)

    var myFunction = function(url) {
      var templateurl = url;
      // the other stuff

    In the <head> area

    <script src="myjs.js" />
    $.myFunction('<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>');

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