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I did, yes.
On Android phones, Google – unless the user disables it – shows a page of suggested web pages which the phone user might want to visit.
Google basically looks at the topics the person has searched before, and website they have visited, and produces a list of fresh content that it believes is relevant. It also seems to apply a ‘ranking’ value to your article itself which is why some perform far better than others.
For weird reasons, WordPress shows this as ‘WordPress Android App’ in your stats. In truth, it is Google recommending your new content to Android users.
Because it only works on new content, the numbers will spike from day to day.
OK, fixed it!
I had to pause Cloudflare and only then do a full browser cache clearance. The icons reappeared and, when I restarted Cloudflare, they didn’t go away.
Not sure what was going on there but it is fixed! Thanks for your input Josh.
Hi Josh. Still no joy with this, although I need to update JetPack this week (I have some customisations so I need my IT guy to do it) which might help. Or not.
This is what I’ve found though:
On an iPhone:
TA buttons show OK in visual mode using Safari, iCab Mobile and ChromeOn a Windows desktop (and I have tried various):
TA buttons do NOT show using Chrome or Edge (not tried Firefox)I haven’t been able to try an Apple laptop or desktop yet. I haven’t tried it on an Android phone yet.
Neither have I been able to test all of the plug-ins (we are a 40,000 page views per day site so finding a good time to do this is tricky) but as all is fine from an iPhone I’m not sure it would make any difference.
Not working for me.
I left it overnight to see if a Cloudflare cache issue was the problem, but it wasn’t. A full Cloudflare cache clear didn’t help. A full clear out of my browser cache hasn’t changed anything either.
More notably, if I use another browser with no cache data from my site, it also doesn’t work. Tried across three different PCs now.
Happy to give you log-in access if you want to take a look – drop me a note rob at headforpoints.co.uk
Me too!
Hi Josh
This gets a bit odder. The issue is with Adblocker Ultimate, definitely in Chrome and with Win7 and Win10.
However …. I cannot replicate it.
I’ve also only had about 10 of my 15,000 daily readers flag it. Almost certainly many more are using Adblocker Ultimate and it isn’t causing them problems, and you clearly are not seeing feedback from anyone else.
Those who raised it have now whitelisted us. Let’s see if there is any more feedback. I will also do a trial with one of the people who has problems to remove the CSS styling.
Thanks for the feedback
Thanks Jeremy, appreciate it.
By the way, totally off topic, but since Adsense launched responsive ads for mobile ( ie Adsense show biggest ad it can given screen size) your Mobile Theme Ads plug in has become even more useful, ie more lucrative! Thanks for updating it this year.
FWIW, JP views for me yesterday were 6707 whilst Analytics puts my mobile views at 5879 pages. This gap is probably too big to assume that JP is only counting mobile pages.
There was also a VaultPress update 3 days ago. Those are the only suspects.
Could it be a conflict with Google Analytics by Yoast? I justed looked at plug-in updates and that was the only one I have updated in the last 2-3 days.
It is also not a location issue because 80% of my readers are UK based and the drop in JP reporting is far more than the 20% non-UK total.
Hi Jeremy
The Google Analytics stats are exactly where they should be so the site is still getting the usual traffic. This is double-confirmed by AdSense still serving the usual number of impressions (and ad revenue not dipping).
The only plug-in I have added recently was Thirsty Affiliates but I doubt that could impact (and that has been in for a couple of weeks).
Other active plug-ins: Add to home screen WP, Akismet, Alexa Claim & Certify, Conditional CAPTCHA, Genesis Dashboard News, Genesis Simple Edits, Genesis Simple Hooks, Google Analytics by Yoast, LinkView, Mobile Theme Ads (hopefully that is OK :-)), RSS Footer, Simple Google Sitemap, Socia Media Widget, Thirsty Affiliates + GeoLocation Add-On, Ultimate No-Follow, VaultPress, WP Post Navigation.
As of 1pm UK time JP is showing 3,247 views. Analytics shows 10,571 of which 5379 is desktop, 3734 is mobile and 1473 tablet. It is possible that JP is just counting mobile views (with the mobile theme) and not desktop or tablet, both of which use the ‘standard’ view.
By the way, not sure if this is connected or not, but WP also stopped remembering my log-in details yesterday. I have confirmed this across 2 laptops, an iPad and an iPhone.
Perhaps there is some broader cookie issue?
Thanks Rajesh, you’re a star – the ‘removal’ code works perfectly.
I meant ‘line’ and not ‘link’ in two places above …..!