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  • The best way to change the size is with css rules. Are you familiar with css, and how to access the css file on your site?

    I think this will be the easiest solution for you, and won’t require any ftp access or coding. If you have FTP access and some coding experience I can give you a better solution, let me know if you do. This page seems to be the setup that you want on your front page, where it is a normal page that only shows the content you put in the main editor area in the backend. Correct?

    Step 1: open this page in the dashboard and look at what is selected for the “template” (right hand side)

    Step 2: Create a new page called “Home” (put your content in the main editor area), and select the same template as is selected from step 1

    Step 3: go to settings –> reading and select “static homepage” and select the “home” page you just created.

    That should do it for you.


    There are many things that you can do to help prevent this, although I would say nothing if full proof, it is best to do as much as you can. Here are a few essential things that I would start with, there are other things you can do as well, but this should be a good start. Everybody else please add!!!

    The first thing I would do is to install the ultimate security checker,

    This will help show you where your website is vulnerable, and give you tips on how to fix it.

    BBQ as well will help stop/block Malicious URL Requests attacks on your site to limit access to your files/folders

    Don’t use “admin” as a username on your website. If you already have this username set up as your main username you cannot change it from the back end of wp, but if you have access to phpmyadmin you can change your username there.

    Delete your readme.html file

    Delete your install.php file


    Hi bargeld, can you provide a link to your page? Are you just using the hierarchy template structure of wordpress, or do you have wordpress set up to have a static home page?

    WordPress can easily handle what you need here. Basically what is going on is that in either your home page template code, or the index.php file (whatever you are using) there is code that is running through a loop and pulling the most recent posts for display. This loop code needs to be removed/replace.


    I was running into the same problem, I hope this solves your problem. Just like on post and pages, you have the option to hide meta boxes. When you are on the menu page, in the upper right hand corner click on the “screen options”, your check the boxes next to your custom post types and refresh.

    Thread Starter RyanJBaron


    To be a little more specific from above, the part of the code that I am having trouble with is this:

    $featuredPosts = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'slider', 'crs_slider' => 'crs-safety-slider', 'posts_per_page' => '-1', 'meta_key' => $custom['safety_order'][0], 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'DESC'

    Like I said, I am having no trouble pulling the post I need it is just the order they display in. I would just use the ID (and add that to my custom post type) but I need more than one options. This image could show up in multiple carousels (depending upon the custom taxonomy categories it is in) and depending upon what carousel it is being displayed in I have a custom meta box field that I would like to use to determine the order, in the above case the

    'meta_key' => $custom['safety_order'][0]

    is the custom meta field I would like to use for this slider.

    I just noticed something, I set $custom with

    $custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);

    but that is inside the loop, and I am trying to use $custom before setting it. Does anybody have any suggestions.


    Thread Starter RyanJBaron


    Hey Travis the plugin updates work great, thanks again. I have used many different testimonial plugins but this one is by far the best, and plan on using it again in the future, and would recommend it to anyone. I wanted to make a donation, when i click on the donation link here it takes me to visit flordia parks is that where it is supposed to take me? Just want to make sure I have the right place to donate. Thanks again Travis!

    Thread Starter RyanJBaron


    Hey Mark, just thought I would let you know what I have been doing in the mean time, or for anyone else running into this temporary problem. The previous version of tbtestimonials does store the company name and website correctly, so I installed the old version, and then entered all of my testimonials, and then upgraded. the excerpt function doesn’t work, but the company name and website are stored from the previous version and the new version pulls the company name and website correctly, so you can still use those features.

    Also Travis, I ran into the problem that tbtestimonials (newest version) was using/calling jquery cycle, which I am already using for another feature on the site. Calling this twice caused all of my jquery to crash. I thought it might be helpful to put a checkbox in the plugin options to turn off pulling the jquery cycle. I was able to dig into the code and comment it out, but for other users this may not be a possibility. Otherwise (if its not already there) you could put a little note in the documentation.

    Thanks again for the great plugin travis, I cannot wait until it is all working in full, and I plan on sending you a donation for all of your work once the plugin is working in full.


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