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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Job Listing TemplateHi onesourcebackground,
Actually when you first install the plugin there is a default template, that is everything you would need. Also all the shortcodes are described within the plugin as to what they do. For your particular usage you would need to remove a few unnecessary shortcodes as it seems like you only want the job title and job location.
Here is what I would use:
[job_loop] <div class="job[job_row_number] [job_odd_even]"> <div class="job-table[if_job_highlighted] highlighted[/if_job_highlighted]"> <p class="position">[job_link][job_title][/job_link]</p> [job_field_loop] [if_job_field] <p class="job_info">[job_field4_label], [job_field4]</p> [/if_job_field] [/job_field_loop] </div> </div> [/job_loop]
Now that will give you highlighted jobs, the job title (with hyperlink to job page), and job location. That looked like what your mock up had.
Anything more than that will require html + css knowledge to construct and style to fit within your mock-up (you may have to change the html I provided for instance or add classes or ids).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Short Code Not working with in the classHi maniecstasoft,
I think you just remove the ‘job[job_id]’ and it should work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Company Description field 'locked'Hi adalli2,
It looks like you’re in the wrong forum, this is for the plugin ‘Job Manager’ I think you’re looking for support with ‘WP Job Manager’
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
To edit/change application forms you do so in the same area, “display settings” inside the relevant text field for what you want to change in the application markup. There is no way to single out a particular application form’s page as far as I know though.
To make changes to the form itself, ie. add form fields or edit labels, you go to the ‘App. Form Settings’ tab.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
To make the job link go directly to the application you replace the shortcode [job_link]…[/job_link] with [job_apply_link]…[/job_apply_link]
This was explained earlier but might’ve been lost since I was confused with what you meant exactly sorry about that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Modify Text ? We currently have no jobs available.Hi supertono,
The only way I know of is to edit the plugin’s “frontend-jobs.php” file as this message is hardcoded.
Please only edit the file if you are comfortable with php and understand that it will be overwritten each time there is an update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Need to Add a List of Jobs without full descriptionHi frecklefaceredhead,
Yes this is possible, it can be done in the template field settings for the “Job List”.
This is found at the WordPress Backend > Job Manager > Settings > Display Settings Tab > Job List Template
You can adjust the shortcodes + html here. What you are trying to do would be removing this from the template:
[job_field_loop] [if_job_field] <div class="job_info">[job_field length="250"]</div> [/if_job_field] [/job_field_loop]
and only having this:
<div class="job_info">[job_field4_label], [job_field4]</div>
*** Please note your template may vary slightly with differing html markup, the thing you need to concentrate on are the shortcodes ***
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
I am really confused on what you are trying to do. Both jobs have to be on a page together at some point within the site, and this template code you have is the Job Listing Page which shows ALL jobs together.
Once you click a job it goes to its own page, by itself.
This is as simple as it can get with as fewest pages as possible. You cannot use shortcodes or templates outside of the loop created by the Job Manager plugin (so you must use the jobs page that you have been showing me, which is working 100% as intended).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
Everything looks correct, you are just missing a closing shortcode on:
<td>[job_icon] [job_link][job_title]</td>Should be:
<td>[job_icon] [job_link][job_title][/job_link]</td>
I’m confused though, this is your jobs listing page, it will show all the jobs inside the loop (if you have 2 job active it will show 2 jobs). This is how it is intended.
When you click on the title (ex. Medical Retrieval Technician) it goes to that job’s own page by itself.
Both job links are going to different, single pages of their own. I’m sorry if I can’t help anymore I just don’t understand what it is you are expecting to happen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Pagination issue when "jobs" is set as start pageHi Battlelore,
If you set permalinks to ‘Post Name’ does it give a 404?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Pagination issue when "jobs" is set as start pageHi Battlelore,
Looks like you got it working? I just checked it out and the second page loads fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
Since your link gives a 404 error, yesterday I looked at your …/jobs page, which is what the plugin is utilizing.
Everything looks good there, all you have to do is use [job_link]Apply Now[/job_link] in place of [job_apply_link]Apply Now[/job_apply_link] in your “Job List Template” field which is found at WordPress Backend > Job Manager > Settings > Display Settings.
This shortcode will link to each job individually on its own page from the job listing page.
If you want, please copy and paste all the code you have for the job list template and I can tell you where to change things.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
I visited your …/jobs page, it looks like everything is working right. You have two positions in the jobs listing, and when I click apply now it goes to the application.
Are you trying to have it so when you click ‘Apply Now’ it opens up the job’s dedicated page?
If so, you link to it by using shortcode: [job_link]
Otherwise I do not understand what it is that you are trying to figure out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
The only way to do that is to make the page that is created from the Job Manager plugin (“jobs”) the page for what you are calling ‘job opportunities”.
You can’t have two job pages it will always result in the same scenario you’re experiencing.
Everything the job manager plugin does, it does it for the page it creates upon install, which is called ‘jobs’.
All pages are generated from the plugin; main jobs listing, individual jobs, applications etc.
So, you have to take the content you want from your job opportunities page currently, and add it into the template fields inside the job manager ‘display settings’ section of the plugin backend.
There are fields where you enter in:
- Job List Template (this is how you control the list of available positions, place short codes such as [job_link] here inside of the [job_loop]
- Individual Job Template (this is how you control the page that each job gets given.)
- Before the Main Jobs List (this is where you place html on the job page which will appear before the job list template code.)
- After the Main Jobs List (this is where you place html on the job page which will appear after the job list template code.)
There are even more fields, please explore the backend more and utilize these to control how the job page content is generated, and the flow of the subsequent pages.
Remember, all of this is located at Backend > Job Manager > Settings > Display Settings Tab
Just to clarify, the shortcode [job_link] generates the job page link, the shortcode [job_apply_link] generates the link to the application form, for that job.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Separate Page per JobHi arunmx,
The following shortcode will generate your links to individual job listings inside a job_loop:
The way your site is now it is linking to the job listing page (“jobs”) which is what you are meaning to be the page titled (“job-opportunities”).