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  • お疲れ様でした!
    I’m very glad it helped and that you have it working, well done!

    ~ Greg

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Job Manager] Page set-up

    Hi Gord,

    You’re welcome I’m glad it’s moving along for you.

    You would have to go into the php file that is creating the pages, find the part where it is creating the “page-header” class, and have it instead make the “special-header” class like the code below. It would also need to create the h3 tag and “subtitle” class within the div that has a class of container. This is the html you want, you’d have to search for where this is being generated:

    <header class=”entry-header special-header” style=”padding: 25px;background-image: url(;”>
    <div class=”container”>
    <h1 class=”entry-title” style=”color: #ffffff;”>Careers</h1>
    <h3 class=”subtitle” style=”color: #ffffff;”>Employee Development</h3>

    Since I am not familiar with your theme this is all very vague advice so I can’t help a lot.

    If the header html was put in by yourself in the Job Manager backend you can just tweak the html to the above and you’ll be fine (in the Display Settings Tab, Before a Category Job List).

    For the sidebar, you may need to have the checkbox checked to show related categories (found in the ‘Admin Settings’ tab). Or, in the ‘Careers’ page settings in the WordPress dashboard, you have to have the sidebar activated. Otherwise I don’t know why it wouldn’t be on every page.

    For the page ID # I’m sorry I’m not sure what you mean by that. Is it the permalink?

    Hi byacoub,

    Hmm I don’t know why it’s doing that, I tried your code on my site and the links worked fine.

    Maybe try changing the permalinks to default, saving it, then changing it back to post-name?

    Hi byacoub,

    Can you post the shortcodes you’re using? You have to remove job_id for the odd even to work.

    For some reason the /jobs page isn’t being added to the links though. Your plugin is updated to the latest version right?

    Hi rpubts,

    Does anything else get updated if you try and edit other settings or add categories for example?

    I may have had this happen to me once before but I think it was because I had logged out of my Admin account and the page wasn’t refreshed.

    I’m sorry I do not have anything else to try.


    Ok I tried something different, it searches for all custom posts only. This displays the job information but I couldn’t get it to display more than one job so something is wrong.

    This is the code I am using in my “search.php” file:

            /* Template Name: Custom Search */
            get_header(); ?>
            <div class="generic_page">
                <div id="content" class="content_right">
                         <h3>Search Result for : <?php echo "$s"; ?> </h3>       
                         <?php $args = array( 'post_type' => 'jobs', 'posts_per_page' => -1 );
                              $loop = new WP_Query( $args );
                              while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
                                echo '<div class="entry-content">';
                                echo '</div>';

    For more information on the Wp_Query object that this is being used please see here. There are options to search only categories and to add additional filters for custom post types.

    I wish I could be more helpful but I do not have much experience with querying the databases.

    Best of luck!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Job Manager] Page set-up

    Hi Gord,

    It is not possible if you want to display any jobs or category information dynamically created by the plugin on this intro page.

    If you don’t then I would make a /careers.html page, have this info on it, then change the jobs listing page to /jobs.html that way you link to it from the careers page. This seems overly simple though so I’m probably misunderstanding.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Job Manager] Page set-up

    Hi gdavis55,

    Would you be able to describe what it is you’re looking to do with this first page?

    In order to have the jobs categories to be on a page it has to originate from the plugin page, the content can’t be added onto an auxiliary page.

    There are ways to add content to the jobs listing page, before and after the jobs list. This can be found in the Display Settings tab.

    Hi rpubts,

    Is your Job Manager plugin up to date? (version 0.7.25)

    Hi sandy,

    In the admin email section, that is for when you email a particular application from the backend. For example, Mr. Lewis applies to a job. This application will be in the ‘Applications’ section, listed with all of the applications thus far made through your site.

    You can then select each application using the check box on the left, and in the ‘Bulk Actions’ dropdown there is an option to email.

    This will allow you to email Mr. Lewis, (or any other applicant), regarding their application.

    Then you would see this sent email in the “Emails” section of the plugin. Right now it says “There are currently no emails in the system” because you have not sent any applicant an email using this feature.

    **As far as email notifications (aeusebio is asking as well)**

    I am only familiar with how application notification emails are handled, so it maybe different for the job posting notifications.

    But they are sent out whenever an application has every mandatory field completed. If a field is missing (such as a checkbox) that is mandatory, the application will still be sent but the email will not trigger.

    Hi kyleboreing,

    That happens to me if one of the application fields is not filled in or selected (if there are check boxes for example) and they are set as a mandatory field.

    One quirk I found out for example, I had a file upload set as mandatory, the applications would be sent just fine whether a file was uploaded or not with no error but the emails would not be sent out.

    Just make sure that all fields are completed, if you are able to manually send the application out then it is almost certain that one of the fields is being omitted.


    I spent some time looking at how to do this but it’s beyond my knowledge.

    The only thing that came to mind was using ‘$jobs’ instead of the ‘get_job_field(‘job_field23)’ to call the jobs from the loop.

    I also took a look at the “db.php” file for the plugin, there is an array ($page) that could be useful. Here is a snippet I was looking at.

    $jobs = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
    		if( count( $jobs ) > 0 ) {
    			foreach( $jobs as $job ) {
    				$oldjobids[] = $job['id'];
    				$page = array(
    							'comment_status' => 'closed',
    							'ping_status' => 'closed',
    							'post_status' => 'publish',
    							'post_author' => 1,
    							'post_content' => $job['abstract'],
    							'post_name' => strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '-', $job['title'] ) ),
    							'post_title' => $job['title'],
    							'post_type' => 'jobman_job',
    							'post_date' => $job['displaystartdate'],
    							'post_parent' => $mainid
    				$id = wp_insert_post( $page );
    				$newjobids[] = $id;
    				add_post_meta( $id, 'salary', $job['salary'], true );
    				add_post_meta( $id, 'startdate', $job['startdate'], true );
    				add_post_meta( $id, 'enddate', $job['enddate'], true );
    				add_post_meta( $id, 'location', $job['location'], true );
    				add_post_meta( $id, 'displayenddate', $job['displayenddate'], true );
    				add_post_meta( $id, 'iconid', $job['iconid'], true );

    This is in the section “Move the jobs to posts”, maybe this can be used in calling for the search function. I’m sorry if this is in no way helpful but maybe it will provide a new direction in solving the problem. I hope you can figure it out!

    HI Ramy,

    Sorry I wrote “Job List Template” but it’s the Application Form, it’s found on the same place though (Display Settings Tab in the plugin settings).

    All you do is paste your shortcodes in the text field there for the Application Form, that is how you use it.

    The Application Form Tab is used to edit the form fields (Name, Address, File Upload button, etc.)

    For example, I am using default settings and my Application Template is blank, as I did not need to customize anything. All I did was go into the Application Form Settings Tab and changed the form fields I wanted.

    I tried looking at your page but the login credentials did not work.

    Have you tried looking at recent threads in this forum? The first two pages of the forum contain all the info you need in order to generate the job list and using shortcodes.

    There is a page that was created when you installed the plugin, in the page edit view, it should say something like
    Hi! This page is used by your Job Manager plugin as a base. Feel free to change settings here, but please do not delete this page. Also note that any content you enter here will not show up when this page is displayed on your site.

    Do you still have that page published?

    Hi Ramy,

    You don’t paste shortcodes onto any WordPress Page, you have to edit the plugin settings.

    The area where you found that message you posted here, directly below the list of shortcodes is a text field for ‘Job List Template’, here is the only place where the shortcodes are entered.

    **NOTE** You must make sure that the job page which was created upon the plugin installation is still published, otherwise the plugin will not display/work at all on the user frontend.

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