Hi! I have a similar questions, I tried to solve it by myself, but my php knowledge is not good enough ;/
I managed to embed youtube video on big title section, but I want it to be within ‘about us’ section instead of the ‘text’.
I guess it should be somewhere here:
$zerif_aboutus_text = get_theme_mod(‘zerif_aboutus_text’,’You can add here a large piece of text. For that, please go in the Admin Area, Customizer, “About us section”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc dapibus, eros at accumsan auctor, felis eros condimentum quam, non porttitor est urna vel neque.
Maecenas non tellus vitae augue tempor venenatis. Mauris ac tincidunt dolor, id feugiat odio. Mauris egestas ligula sit amet lorem condimentum ultrices’);
if( !empty($zerif_aboutus_text) ):
echo ‘<div class=”col-lg-4 col-md-4 column” data-scrollreveal=”enter bottom after 0s over 1s”>’;
echo ‘<p>’;
echo __($zerif_aboutus_text,’zerif-lite’);
echo ‘</p>’;
echo ‘</div>’;
Could you please help me? I’d be grateful!