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  • Thread Starter rish30990


    Hi thoakim

    Thanks for explaining this. I tried to add search option in single page by editing in plugin files. For this I went to Plugins -> wp-hotel-booking -> templates -> content-single-room.php And did edit this file.

    After checking all files of plugin I came to know the file “search.php” is responsible for appearing of check availability search which is present at Plugins -> wp-hotel-booking -> templates -> search -> search.php.

    So I just call “search.php” file in “content-single-room.php” file like this “<?php include ‘search/search.php’; ?>”. I set custom css for single product page by assigning width of 70% and then enclosed calling of search.php in my custom div by assiging width of 25% and float set to right. SO by doing all these I did set “check availability search” in single room page.

    But I wonder of one thing that why this feature hasn’t been provided in plugin. If its the feature of premium/paid version of your plugin then it is understandable but if you don’t have any paid version of this plugin or any paid addon to get this feature then why this feature is not present. It is very important feature and by adding this feature your plugin will get more popular for sure. And off-course if you are providing some feature only in paid version then it is completely understandable, after all you are not here for charity work Your efforts surely deserve money ??

    This is the best hotel booking plugin I could find in wordpress market, Thanks for this and surely going to give it 5 stars.

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Sorry but cant post my site url publicly since I cant remove it later. But I can tell you about my page. Url is like this “https://mysite/rooms/room&#8221;. There “rooms” is the page that may be plugins created and “room” is the name of room that i gave while creating room from dashboard->Rooms->Add New Rooms.

    The problem is I am not getting a way to add “Check availability search” in single product page ( https://mysite/rooms/room ).I am talking about search that appear using this shortcode “[hotel_booking]”. Since sigle product page is not an page of wordpress (dashboard -> Pages), so if I add widget (HB Search Rooms) in page.php then it won’t be visible in single product page.

    I wonder how u did in video. Can u tell me how can I add search room option in single product page?

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Ah sorry about that ?? I figured it out that problem is from my side. I try to send email from other plugin even with smtp but failed.

    But one problem I am facing in caldera form is, One of my forms has been deactivated. I activate it from form name where on hover on form name few option appears. From there I click on activate and It got activate but still from background it is not active!

    Its showing active when I hover on form name (showing deactivate option bcos its active) But my page cannot display form and when by clicking on edit option I go to layout page, there when I click on preview option then It shows form but with message that “Forms is not activated”.

    I tried to deactivate it and activate again by hovering on form name and clicking on deactivate button but its not making any change. Thats mean when I click on deactivate button its not deactivating.

    In short activation and deactivation option is not working and its showing active on hovering form name but actually it is deactivated. So is there is any way to activate form from some where else like from database.

    It happened when I tried to update plugin and I got gateway time out error. However plugin is updated to latest version even with this error. Is it possible that some of files got miss because of this error while updating? Thats why Form is not activating! Should I delete the plugin and install it again and this process will erase my forms that I have created so far? What should I do? Any Idea

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by rish30990.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by rish30990.
    Thread Starter rish30990


    Ok since I didn’t get any reply from here, So I solve the issue in different way.

    The solution that I used for my problem, that’s not actually a solution But there is no choice left for me since I couldn’t find any solution for it.

    To solve the issue I did following steps:

    1. I created a subdomain and install new wordpress in it and created new database.

    2. I did copy my wp_content folder from original domain and paste it in sub domain (to get my theme, plugin etc).

    3. From dashboard -> pages I started copy and paste content from original domain’s pages to sub domain page. That’s mean I re enter all data of pages in my new domain manually Because I believe that problem is in data base thats why I didn’t export and import database from phpmyadmin.

    4. When all website become ready in my sub domain then I just replace my original domain’s database with my sub domain database by updating wp_config file and also update url from wp_option table from database (in wp_option home page url of site is use to store in which sub domain url was present so I replace it with original url).

    Since the problem was because of database so it got resolved by performing above steps. In this way I just replace my whole database.

    Note: Although It is not a solution because cause of problem is unknown and that’s why solution is also unknown. So I tried this way to get rid of problem without solving. Since I couldn’t find any solution on google and not even a single reply I got from this site and also from one another site then what else I could do. I had no choice but to replace database!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by rish30990.
    Thread Starter rish30990


    Ok figured it out. As I was told that encryption can’t be done on action of form directly so I am encrypting it on separate page. I am redirecting form data of a page and on that page after fetching field value I am performing encryption on it and sending that value in my desire domain.

    I need to send send form value to another domain and that way it is working.

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Thanks for the reply but I don’t want to remove it, I just want to encrypt.

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Ok earlier I got the main Cause of my problem so I am sharing it so that this can be helpful to anybody. As my above mentioned solution works without any problem but if anyone want to do in easy and quick way then here is the solution

    As I told the problem was I couldn’t add pages in wordpress. The reason (which I came to know later) behind was that “wp_posts” table somehow lost its auto increment functionality (may be because of update or import database). Mean ID of table must be auto increment and in my case it was auto increment before update but later it was’t.

    So I just make it auto increment again by going in structure of table and change the setting or ID field to make it auto increment. And problem got solve in 1 minute. Hope it will be helpful for someone.

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Ok I finally solved my problem completely. No issue has left in my project (checked all and everything is fine now). I am sharing solution for future viewers so they can get help from this post.

    What was the problem and what causing it?

    Problem : I was not able to Add, update pages. And I couldn’t check about error in error log file because didn’t have access of that file.

    How I found error: Since I didn’t have errorlog file, I could not find out error easily. So to find out error I use different approach instead of errorlog file. Because I couldn’t see error in my live project so I decide to copy my project in local server (xampp).

    I install fresh copy of wordpress and deleted its /wp_content/ folder So that I can paste /wp_content/ folder from my live project. Mean I simply replace the fresh installed wp_content folder with my live project’s wp_content folder in order to get my pics, themes, plugins in my fresh installed wordpress.

    Next step was to get all data from my database. So I export database from live project and import it in my fresh local wordpress setup database. Although side of exported database was almost 9mb and import capacity of local setup was only 2mb. So to solve this issue I open the exported file in editor (notepad++) and copy the sql queries from it and paste in different file so that I can divide whole code in different files to reduce memory. So I make 6 parts of exported file and each part was below 2 mb. And finally imported it one by one. But don’t forget its important to change the url from exported file. I used find and replace option to change all url and domain name according to my local setup.

    So finally all work from my side over and then tried login then on login screen I was asked to update database so I did. After login when I try to add pages then it was not adding like in my live project. But thats what I wanted because I wanted to know error that accure while adding pages. And since my site was on localhost this time so I can see the error message on top of the screen. The error was Creating default object from empty value of line 639 wp-admin/includes/post.php.

    I searched about it and found that many user solved this error by optimazing database table or by repairing database table. But in my case those solutions didn’t work!

    What was the cause of problem: After installing wordpress again in local and importing database again I came to know that the problem starts when I update database on login screen (After import database from my live project I always being asked at login screen to update it and without update I couldn’t do login so I have no choice but to update).

    Before importing of database everything was fine but all started problematic when I import database. So problem comes when I import database from my previous domain.

    Solution : First I needed to find out what was the actual problem in database. To find out the problem, I have no choice but to import it again and again by deleting prev. data from database.

    At first I deleted whole table (those table that wordpress created on installation) from wordpress database so that I can upload all table from live project’s database. But that cause error.

    Since that method failed to remove error so I tried to upload in different way. This time in new installed wordpress database I didn’t delete any table from database. I just tried to insert data without deleting previous data from new installed wordpress database.

    Changes to be made before importing database file: SInce this time I don’t wanted to delete tables from fresh installed wordpress databse to import new data in it I need to do some changes.

    First Did some changes in exported file: From that First I needed to do some changes in my exported file. In exported sql file I replace all queries of creating table. Mean there was queries like that create table ‘table name’. I use find and replace option and change this query into this – create table if not exist ‘table name’. The benefit of this change is that, If I tried to upload without this change then my file’s queries won’t execute because it will show error that “Table already exist” and data won’t upload.

    Second did some changes in new database: I didn’t want to delete table this time before import the database, But I delete whole data from whose tables. That was necessary Because because while upload I will get error about duplicate primary key.

    After these changes I imported file to my database. And did update on login screen. Although by this approach my all prev. issues was resolved (adding pages) but got one new issue. In front end of only my front page was running! Other pages was showing message like “Object not found”.

    I solved that issue by deleting .htaacess file and click on save permalink option from dashboard -> setting -> permalinks. And that problem also got resolve. All issues fixed.. Hope this will help someone.

    Thanks for the time Mr. James Huff

    Thread Starter rish30990


    How it can be a solution! I already told in my last reply that I have install fresh copy of wordpress and just copy my old /wp_content / folder in that fresh install. So in new install only wp_content folder is old (from my prev. install) else are all new.

    As I told the problem I am facing is because of database (Error accure only when I import database from previous domain to my fresh install database). After import when on login screen database update option appear then I did update and problem start coming afterward.

    So database update option on login screen after importing database is the root of issue.

    It can be solved if I got any Idea about removing this error : “Creating default object from empty value of line 639 wp-admin/includes/post.php”

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Here I am back with my issue! Previously I thought it got resolved fully But few days ago I came to know that it got resolved partially. The solution which I used sure works but not with all problems

    The problems solved with the above mentioned solution is I can view dashboard and can update pages. But the problem that I have not resolved with it I can’t add new pages and can’t add pages in menus.

    So I have no choice but to make it “not resolved” to “resolved” again because problem was partially solved.

    Although I couldn’t get error log file to get error because of godaddy. But I somehow manage to know about my problem. I downloaded wp_content via ftp and made a local wordpress setup in localhost (xampp).

    By setting in localhost I came to know about error. Error that accure while adding new page is “Creating default object from empty value of line 639 wp-admin/includes/post.php”

    And below code is present in this line :

    $post->post_content = apply_filters( 'default_content', $post_content, $post );

    I searched a lot about it and found some solution. Many user had same issue and they solved it by optimzing database table and repairing database table. But in my case it didn’t work.

    On what step and when error accure?

    After installing again and again I came to know that the error I am facing is because of database!

    These are the steps I follow

    1. First I make new install of wordpress in localhost
    2. Export database from live project.
    3. Change url from database so that it can be import in local setup.

    Note: On installation wordpress creates some tables in database.

    4. Deleted all table from my local database (those table that created by wordpress on onstallation) so that i can import from live project and database imported.

    5. On login I have been asked about updating database and did.

    Note: This is the step (5th step) that cause all trouble. After database update I couldn’t add pages because of the error that I have mentioned above.

    6. To make it more clear I install another wordpress setup in localhost.

    7. This time also I import database but I skip those table which auto created by wordpress on installation. Mean I only upload those table which was not created by wordpress on istallation.

    Note: By doing this way I didnt face any error! But I didn’t get my whole data also. And media library was not showing any images that was present in upload folder( I copied the wp_content folder in local setup to get my themes, plugins and images).

    And Media library was not showing any images because it didn’t have those enteries in database (bcos I skipped those table during import). Becuase of not showing any images from upload folder, post that use to have featured images those posts are blank now. But images that put on page via <img> tag are showing.

    The question here is why I am facing error only when I update database (when after import database in login screen I have been asked for update).

    What changes I should make in my database to that it can keep up with latest version of wordpress although all issues I am facing because of database but how to solve it.

    Any suggestion regarding my issue?

    Ok some progress in my problem. Problem accure when I overwrite all those table that wordpress auto create on installation. I overwrite bcos I need to store all data from my previous domain.

    So right now I am trying to import data not through database but instead database I m trying to import via dashboard -> tools -> import. Its worked really fine But only one issue I m facing is that I have uploaded my prev. wp_content folder (by deleting new) to my new setup so that I can get my images, theme and plugin.

    Plugin and theme I got form wp_content folder But somehow I am not getting any images in media library! Although all images is present in upload folder but why its not showing in media library!!???

    I am getting exact same problem in same line “Creating default object from empty value of line 639 wp-admin/includes/post.php”. IN this line this code is present:
    $post->post_content = apply_filters( 'default_content', $post_content, $post );
    Deactivate plugin and switching to default theme won’t help. I can’t add new pages because of it!

    The error stats appearing when I import database and overwrite the prev. database. all files of database was from my prev. wordpress version of database.

    @pinkdigital Have you got this error in exactly same way like In my case it accure in importing database and on login i have been asked to update database and I did. so error starts appearing.

    Is this what happened in your case also? Any suggestion regarding this.

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Ok sort out the problem! I didnt know I have to go to settings -> general and their check “anyone can register” option.

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Yes, got your point. I know godaddy’s hosting is not good and specially their customer support! So no wonder if someone took long to solve the issue if his/her hosting is from godaddy.

    However, I am marking this solution as resolved.

    Thanks for your time and helping me Mr. James Huff ??

    Thread Starter rish30990


    Ok I have solved my issue few days ago. However I couldn’t find error log file and didn’t make contact with godaddy because their customer support is not good.

    How I solved my issue?

    That solution might work for everyone (if your theme/plugin/.htacess is not the cause of problem)

    I simply install latest wordpress version in new domain and export database from old domain’s database and import in new domain by changing url in database (wordpress database uses site url in database query so that url need to be changed if you are going to import it in new url/domain). AND then I copy the wp_content folder to my new setup by replacing previous wp_content (so that I can get my images theme and plugins in my new wordpress setup). And surprisingly my new domain started working like it was woking in old domain before wordpress update.

    At last when Site started running in new domain then I change the new domain name as it was on previous domain. Than mean I replace the new domain with old one so that I can get my previous domain working because it was live site.

    BUT only question that pissing me off that, why I need to do all these!!??? There was no problem in my site, if there were any then it won’t started working in my new domain. That mean wordpress update process may cause some unwanted problems.

    That mean if you install a wordpress and add your theme plugins in there then it will be fine AND If you update the wordpress version then your will get problems!! So it should be wrong if I say its all of the wordpress fault!? Because by updating wordpress can’t keep up with the site!

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