Here is what I’ve done :
1) Make sure you have a backup of your database, and precisely of your wp-mailpoet* tables. This backup has to be done before you’ve install the rc.2.0.3 verion of mailpoet. Verify that in this backut, the table wp-mailpoet-subscriber contains all the needed datas
2) Download the RC.2.0.2 version (zip format) from mailpoet.com
3) unactivate the uninstall the mailpoet plugin in your wordpress (to avoid having 2 Mailpoet listed in your back office)
4) install the zip you’ve previously download from wordpress menus : extension/add, then the link at the top of the page (I have a french version, so I actually can’t tell you what is the label of the button)
5) Restore your database, at least all the wp-mailpoet-* tables.
6) Mailpoet sould be now back to normal
It’s what I’ve done on my 2 mailpoet I use. Not sure it is the official way, but at least, for me, now everithing is OK
Hope this helps