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  • Thread Starter Rimfaxe


    Thank you, I just did that and it seems to work.

    Hej Jingz,
    Do you make classes in CSS for all your pages?
    In CSS I think you should investigate the use og the “child selector”. Without knowing the rest of your CSS something like:

    ul>ul.sub-menu {

    As I read your CSS it is like the combined use of two classes in a HTML tag.

    Thank you Prasunsen,
    I now have a working namaste LMS in danish language.

    Resolved, using the on-line PO editor by loco.
    I now have a complete danish language .po file with all the namaste! LMS text strings. Pleas indicate
    what I shall name the file and
    where to place it

    so far I have placed renamed the file as and placed this in wp-content/plugins/namaste-lms/languages, but I see no changes when logged in as admin. Have I got the idea of localization wrong? or am I just peddling around in darkness?

    – it will be such help prior to upgrade to namaste! PRO to be able to go through it as a student

    Thread Starter Rimfaxe


    While writing the last post, the widgets and menus dissapeared again.
    I am quite lost here.
    The site is running with

    WP 3.91.
    Theme twenty ten-child
    All in one icon

    Al I’we done i tweeking the theme style.css by adding
    display:none; to
    #site-title & £site-description
    This is simple CSS and I know it works. Can anyone help med out please?

    Thread Starter Rimfaxe


    Found the cause/sinner!
    After deleeting weaver II, everything came back to normal. It is not enough to make it not selected and daactivated.
    Thank you for responding codenew!

    Thread Starter Rimfaxe


    I unfortunately do not know what “dashboard bar” is.
    I use TwentyTen theme and have a vertical menu in the left side og the browser window.
    In this, there is an item “appearances” which used to include themes, widgets an menu. Now menu is missing – and also widgets, I just discovered.

    Thread Starter Rimfaxe


    Did af back-up of the WP installation and ran an update from the control panel.
    Still no menu item in the control panel.

    Hi’ I am new to WP and have just translated the .pot file in namaste! LMS. I now have a da.po file hvere all 388 text lines are translated. When saving the translated file (using Poedit version 1.6.6 I get some strange error messages:
    1 says that there is an error marked in red in the list. But scrolling down the list does not show anthing in red. Next comes a warning: header field’Language-Team’ still has the initial default value…
    THis headeer i do not see in poedit at all. How to get aaround these prblems. Poedit online help is not giving me the solutions. Has any of you a hint to give me?
    As there are these problems I am not able to have the da.po file load. It is located in a subfolder to the current theme (twentyten-child/nanaste/da.po). Please give me a hint or the translation is of no use.

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