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  • Hi Yebbie,

    Are you using a saved Menu Set that you created or just the Default?

    Either way I will walk you through both.

    IF you are using a “Saved Menu” go to “Appearance” and select menus. Do the deleted page names still show up in the “Saved Menu” box on the right? If so, we need to delete them from the saved menu. simply select that box’s drop down menu and then select “Remove”. Then Save the Menu. Now, on the upper left Go to the “Primary Menu” pull down and select the name of the saved menu. Of course, select save. Then go to your site view and see if it changed.

    If you have been relying on the default menu, then you need to create and use a saved menu. Just go to the Appearances/Menus. In the “Saved Menu” area create a name for your first menu, like “MyMenu_1”.
    Ok, Now, on the lower left, in the Pages box, you can put a check mark next to the pages that you want links to. Once you have selected the pages, select “Add to Menu”. This will put gray boxes in the saved menu section that represent the page links. The links at the top will appear at the left in the Navigation bar and so on. You can re arrange the link boxes and that, in turn, will change which links show up first on the page. Once your done go to your Site view and see if the changes took.

    Well, I hope that this helped.

    Best of luck!


    Your going to love this!

    Ok, so after playing around with the Custom Community theme I have figured out a simple work around.

    Create a blank .png file that matches the size of the “Header Image” you placed in “Theme Options/Header/Header Image” and upload it to your Media Library.

    Now, go to “Theme Options/Header” area and select “Logo”, then “Browse”. Select the blank .png file we created from your Media Library. On the right should be a Gray box. Go to the “ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS”, to the pull down menu that says “Link To” and select “Custom URL”. Just below that enter your URL, and then select “Insert Into Post”. That will kick you back to the Theme Settings page where you will select the “Save Options” button.

    Now, go to your site view and test it. ??

    I was able to get this to work on my Test site with the “Custom Community” Theme loaded.

    Let me know if it works for ya.

    Best Wishes!


    Go on out to your Site view and see if it worked.

    So, I looked at the theme and it seems that the author didn’t provide a place in their Theme to add that. I am looking up a few options and will respond with what I find out.

    Talk to you soon!


    No worries. I guess we are not to use emails anyway. My apologize to our Moderator.

    The answer to question 1 is No. Removing the Widget from the side bar should have no effect on the Main menu item we created.

    To answer the other, I have a question.
    What theme are you using for your site?
    How did you add the Header to your site?
    Was it through the “Appearance/Header” option or was it through the theme’s Options?



    Ok, so I clicked over to your site and If I understand your request, you want the link to your archive in the Top Menu to go to the individual archives (2013 etc.) just like what is available in the sidebar widget. The sidebar link goes right into the 2013 folder while the “Archives” Link at the top currently goes to a different page or post called Archives.

    While there may be a few ways to accomplish this here is a quick and easy way.

    go to your site view and pull up the site. Click on the link in the side bar that you want to go to. Once it has loaded copy the last part of the url to your clipboard. (

    go to your site Dashboard, select “Appearance/Menu”. Here I am thinking that you created a page called “Archives” and added it to your saved menu. what we will want to do is delete this link from your saved Menu and create a Custom one. Once you have removed the old link, on the left is a box where you can set up the New, custom link. In the “URL” field, paste the information we copied (?m=201306). In the label field Type in “Archives or Archives 2013” which ever you prefer, then click the “Add to Menu” button. Now go back out to site view and click the link. It should take you to the same place as the link in the sidebar. If in the future, or in this case when 2014 rolls around, you will want to make your “Archive” link a drop down menu to accommodate for multiple years.

    I hope this helped. If you have any questions or need additional help please feel free to email me!

    Best of Luck!

    Child Themes are a nifty way of customizing certain aspects of the Parent Theme without having to crack into the Parent themes styling or code. The theme you mentioned while it’s not one that I have worked with, I’m sure does not require a Child Theme. I would think that it’s really more of a choice on your part. If your New Theme does not provide the ability to customize itself to look or act the way you want, then a Child Theme may be the answer.

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