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  • Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    bbpress doesn’t cause any problems in my tests. I always have it activated in my wordpress test-environment. Please deactivate the plugins one-by-one and check the functionality again. Maybe you can tell me the name of the plugin causing the conflict, so i can investigate the problem.

    I have installed a lot of plugins in my test-environment but i’ve never noticed errors like that.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Is this fixed?

    Short Answer: Yes. Long Answer: No. ??
    I have found a solution for that, but this solution has create an other problem, which cannot fixed that easily. It needs a major feature from the next bigger version, so it will be fixed at first with v0.5.0.

    Sorry to sound like a noob but where do you change the Jquery to the external/CDN one, thanks ??

    You can only do this manually in the functions.php of your theme. You need to deregister jQuery and register it again with the CDN source. At some point, i will adding this feature to my plugin, so you can change the source of any script or style easily.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    No new features yet, sry. I’m still working on it and i’m making good progress but in the last 2-3 months i can’t spent as much time as i want into the plugin. There will be updates soon, but i can’t give any dates at the moment ??

    1. This will be definitely included and it’s partly finished in my internal version.

    2. In the end the load order is controlled by WordPress and is caused by the dependencies of each file. Jquery is mostly the first script, because it is needed by many others. Changing the order manually can lead to non-working scripts or styles. I don’t see a reason to allow manual sorting at the moment.

    3. Yep, it will be implemented in two ways. You can add inline-code manually to any script or style (WordPress has already a function for that) and you can add custom code to header and/or footer.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Oh, i thought you talking about a “single page” setting? But even with global conditional filters you could set a normal page condition i.e. for the “search” page, if it’s a real wordpress page. The is_page() condition should then also be true for the virtual pages “test02” and “location”, because they are just variables to get another content.

    Hope it helps ??

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Thanks for your feedback.
    That’s indeed a problem right now. I will check this and roll out an update soon.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Yeah, i know about the Buddypress problem, respectively the problem with virtual pages in general. When i first wrote the plugin i found out quickly that i need a secure system to identify any single page/url. Since you can freely change the URL behaviour (Pretty permalinks), i have chosen the WordPress query parameters, because they are independent from the permalinks-settings.

    Actually i don’t have any plans (nor any idea how) to change this. Maybe i add such a feature in the future but it’s not a priority right now.

    But maybe you can just go one level down into that url and add it then. For Example:

    If you have the URL, it cannot be added but if you remove the username you can add the site, because it’s not virtual anymore. Sure, you can’t make settings for a specific single user but for all user pages at once.

    Concerning the condition-filters, the next version will have a slightly changed conditions-menu and i add a few options, including the login status. Longer term goal is to make it flexible enough to add a WordPress hook, so users can add their own conditions or change the existing ones.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Hi, glad to hear it works for you now.

    Unfortunately, there is no import/export function yet. To move all settings to another server, you have to manually export the database table {wp_prefix}_script_optimizer from the old DB and import it into the new DB. (If the table already exists, delete it, before you import the new data)

    This includes all files and their settings. After the import, you should see them in the backend. Then you can push the update button to update all the data in the database if anything is different on the new site.

    Best Regards

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Hi, i’m unable to reproduce this error and it’s curious that it try to load the file from the “dashboard” plugin folder. Do you have a plugin of this name installed or is there a folder with this name in the plugins-folder?

    You could firstly try to delete the plugin and then reinstall it. Make sure that the “wp-script-optimizer” folder is completely deleted out of the “wp-content/plugins/” folder, before you reinstall it. Maybe it will work then.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Never mind – I see that by “WPSSO” you don’t actually mean the “WPSSO” plugin.

    Sry for the confusion ?? I was too lazy to write the full name of my plugin. But i don’t even know, that there’s a plugin with the same abbreviation ??

    I have looked into it and there are several plupload handles registered by wordpress for backward compatibility in case of plugins enqueuing the old handles. Here you can see a list of all handles, that are registered by wordpress.

    The only one needed is plupload. If you enqueue any other plupload handle, it just forces the plupload handle into the queue. The problem here is, that the other handle, for example plupload-all or plupload-html5 remains also in the queue but without any src-value of a file. And that’s something my plugin obviously cannot handle right now.

    I’m working on it and will release a new version soon. ??

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Ok, have found out that it’s probably cause by the pkupload-all handle. This handle seems to be a “fake handle”, because it’s not connected to any file, like the jquery handle, which triggers jquery-core and jquery-migrate at once.

    Pkupload is a wordpress core module, which is used by RT Media. They enqueue the pkupload-all handle, but WPSSO actually cannot deal with it, without a real file behind it.

    I will try to find a solution for this type of handles and release a bugfix version as soon as possible.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Next version will have some kind of “plugin select” as well as filter and sort options to make it easier for you to find the right files. I’m working on a complete new interface right now. I plan to release it till the end of January.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Nein, private Nachrichten sind hier leider wohl nicht m?glich, was in diesem Fall aber ganz gut w?re, weil das hier nicht wirklich der passende Ort für sowas ist ??

    Was WPML angeht, damit hab ich mich bisher noch nie besch?ftigt. Müsste ich erstmal herausfinden, wie das Plugin überhaupt arbeitet. Vielleicht ist das auch gar keine gro?e Sache, ich habs mir auf jeden Fall mal notiert.

    Warum jetzt manche Skripte bei dir in der Liste fehlen, kann ich nicht sicher sagen. Es w?re m?glich, dass die Skripte vom jeweiligen Plugin schon konditional eingebunden werden, also in einem if-statement stehen, was auf bestimmte Seiten prüft. In dem Fall w?ren die Regeln, die du dafür festlegst m?glicherweise wirkungslos, wenn das Skript per if-statement z.B. nur auf der Startseite eingebunden wird. Dann wird es zwar im “global” Tab angezeigt, ist aber gar nicht wirklich global von dem Dritt-Plugin eingebunden. Sowas w?re allerdings ziemlich ungew?hnlich. Wenn man sowas macht, dann damit die Scripts nur auf den für das Plugin relevanten Seiten eingebunden wird.

    An dem Zeiger kanns auch nicht liegen, das ergibt verarbeitet nur den Namen des handles, welcher an anderer Stelle in dem Plugin mit wp_register_script() definiert wurde.

    Dass das Skript nur irgendwie durch die Maschen schlüpft, kann ich mir auch nicht vorstellen. Ich greife die WordPress Objekte wp_scripts und wp_styles ab, nachdem alle Plugins verarbeitet wurden. Wenn es auf der Seite eingebunden wird, steht es auch im Objekt. Wenn ich den Namen von dem Plugin wüsste, k?nnte ich mir das mal anschauen (sofern es kostenlos ist). ??

    Thread Starter Hendrik Lersch


    Ok, sry. It’s because the theme i use changes the thickbox CSS.

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Hi Pascal. Freut mich, dass dir mein Plugin gef?llt und danke für die gute Bewertung ??

    Ich gebe zu, der Part mit der Startseite ist aktuell nicht ganz klar ersichtlich. Im Grunde repr?sentiert das Tab “Global” die Seite, die in deinem WordPress als Startseite definiert ist. Von dieser Seite werden die globalen Scripts und Styles bezogen. Für alle anderen Seiten ist das Tab “Einzelne Seiten” gedacht.

    Das letzte Update liegt zwar schon etwas zurück, aber ich arbeite natürlich weiter dran. Sp?testens im Januar wirds ne neue Version geben, die dann auch Gruppierung und Minimierung der Dateien erlaubt und (so hoffe ich) die Bedienung ein wenig erleichtert ??

    Plugin Author Hendrik Lersch


    Hello, that’s not a big problem. If you’re not in debug mode, you shouldn’t see such notices.
    In this case, there is a variable used by the plugin, without checking, if the variable is set at all in this moment.

    Next version will have checks for these variables to prevent notices like that ??

    Best regards

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