Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Akismet DisappearedI have manually uploaded Akismet and it again appears in my Dashboard.
Why might it have disappeared on an automatic upload?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Different color menu itemsWhat I found was that the menu I was trying change to wasn’t placed using the “proper” code. I did a little reading on how to place a secondary menu, which included editing functions.php.
Once the coding in the page was right, the menu item numbers were generated and the changes I made following the above directions took effect.
Thanks for your help ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Different color menu itemsThose directions only work for the primary menu located in #access. I am trying change the color of a menu item in a non-primary menu.
I don’t see a menu-item associated with the menu when viewing page source. I can find them from the menu generator.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Ten] Front page tags don't workI started over, using a child theme with a fresh TwentyTen folder. For now, the links seem to be work. I still have no idea what caused the problem for me and another person.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Ten] Front page tags don't workObviously the title should be “Front page links don’t work”.
I just noticed something else. I use the Calendar (O’Shea’s) plugin. The recent post links don’t work on the front page. When I go to another page, the recent posts links work.
All the links work in Sandbox.
Any and all help appreciated.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Common header menu links<?php echo network_home_url(); ?>
Seems to work after some very cursory testing.
Thank you very much.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Common header menu linksHard coding the links seems to work. Is it possible to set a variable to an https:// path in the header and use that instead of hard coding the path in every link I need to go to the main site?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Common header menu linksThanks for the reply.
I have no idea what the switch_to_blog is.
I tried a search. Lots of them, in fact. Can you point me to some workable keywords to search, or some topic titles/ids?
Again, thanks.