Forum Replies Created
Problem is solved. It was caused by the renewal of the plugin. It needed the new license key.
RichardI am running Version: 2.3.3.
And all other JS helpdesk plugins are up to date as well.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr users] Dutch translation filesbtw there are a few areas that are not translatable.
For example:
On the about page the first list item.
1. Please exclude any meta keys you do…And in the admin menu. There is a section for “Exclude Meta keys”
Those translations are not in the translatable .po files.Just so you know! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow] Slideshow Buttons to add content are missing?Solved
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow] Slideshow Buttons to add content are missing?Okay solved it myself.
I just deleted the plugin and reinstalled it!!
I still had to add the missing images back strangely enough but its fine now!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow] Possible to add directly to template?Or you could use:
<div class="slider"> <?php do_action('slideshow_deploy', '27'); ?> </div>
Where the number is the slideshow id number
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [List category posts] Changes in default.php seem to be ignoredHi tlueers,
You Should place the default.php file you’ve edited in your (child)theme folder. It should be place in a subfolder called: “list-category-posts”
Then the plugin will pick it up and use it.Don’t forget to use the “template=yourfilename.php” in the shortcode
PS: You beter make a copy from the original default template in stead of editing it straight away! In this case, if you screw up, you can start from scratch. ??
Hi jackdougherty,
You can in fact create any format you want by using the template option.
Just read my comments in this previous post below, how things can work for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [List category posts] Display thumbnail before category titleTo be a bit more precise. Here’s what I did to change the date to be in front of the title using a custom template file:
step1: Copy the template file: “default.php” from the plugin directory and paste it in a new folder in your (child)theme directory called: “list-catergory-posts.”
step2: Rename the file to a proper name for your template. something like: “mylist.php”
step3: Edit this file like this:
Change the third line to your filename (not sure if this is needed?)
Plugin Name: List Category Posts - Template "mylist"
Change the foreach loop on line 55 to something like you want:
I wanted to have the date in front of the posttitle so i did this:foreach ($this->catlist->get_categories_posts() as $single){ //Start a List Item for each post: $lcp_display_output .= "<li>"; //Show date: $lcp_display_output .= $this->get_date($single, 'span', 'lcp_date'); //Show the title and link to the post: $lcp_display_output .= ' - ' . $this->get_post_title($single, 'a', 'lcp_post');
Here I’ve changed the “show date part” to be higher up, before the title
Also changed the html attribuut to be a “span” tag and added a class name “lcp-date” to the date. Also remove the extra space in front of the date.Then for the title I added an extra dash ” – ” in between the date and the title and changed the html attribuut to be an “a-tag”. Also added a different class: “lcp_post” so I can target it with css later.
Then I added this shortcode to my page:
[catlist template=mylist name=nieuws numberposts=5 date=yes dateformat="d-m-Y"]
Cheers Richard
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Adding icon to the post typeI just added this to my functions.php file:
// Add new Custom Post Type icons add_action( 'admin_head', 'cpt_icons' ); function cpt_icons() { ?> <!--escape the regular php dillimeter to allow for regular html below--> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> #menu-posts-cptnamegoeshere .wp-menu-image { background: url(<?php bloginfo('url') ?>/wp-content/themes/cpt-icons/iconsmall.png) no-repeat 6px !important; } .icon32-posts-cptnamegoeshere { background: url(<?php bloginfo('url') ?>/wp-content/themes/cpt-icons/iconlarge.png) no-repeat !important; } </style> <?php } ?>
Then create 2 different png files in the /wp-content/themes/cpt-icons/
folder and name them: iconsmall.png and iconlarge.png.
the small icon should be 16×16 pixels and the large one 36×36 pixels.Please remember to change the css classnames to your custom posttype.
So if you have a cpt called “projects” cahnge it to:
#menu-posts-projectsAnd NO its not the screenoptions!
Because there are no options available other then the ones in the screenshot?Here’s a screenshot:
screenshotWould be nice if at least someone (the plugin author) could respond to this post!!!
Okay Anyone!!!