Forum Replies Created
The issue has been resolved.
In case you’re curious, after many hours of investigation, I discovered that my email provider automatically BANS bulk mail subscriptions. They don’t go into the spam/junk folder and they are deleted before the “Spam Scrub” settings (which I had long ago turned off). In other words, I would never even have been aware of emails trying to get to me if not for my other email addresses that I used for testing. The only way to get around this was for me to contact them directly (spending hours on the phone) and have the ban removed at their end; there are NO user accessible settings. This ban is part of their user agreement and there is an opt-clause buried in paragraph 29, section C (!) of the contract. Unfortunately, that means that the average user who happens to be on or who tries to subscribe will be unable to unless they know the secret. Bummer. But at least I know what’s going on now!
Thanks again,
RichDone! Thanks again!
That fixed the problem @mattyrob! I also have a different ongoing issue that I’ll post under a different thread.
Many thanks,
RichGot it! Thanks, @mattyrob!
Let’s hope the new version fixes the formatting problem!
Many thanks,
I apologize – I’m still unclear about the answer. Yes, I know how to upload the entire directory via FTP, no problem there, but I don’t want to overwrite my subscribers list. Is my subscribers list stored OUTSIDE the new directory that I’m uploading or WITHIN it? If it’s outside the directory, there’s obviously no problem. BUT if it’s inside that directory, I’d better get my data out of there before I overwrite it!
Thanks again for your prompt responses!
Thank you for your quick response! One question: I can easily replace the directory, but is my subscribers list stored in there or outside of that? I wouldn’t want to overwrite that!
Also – is this a known issue? That is, has anyone else reported the problem to you?
Many thanks,
RichSeems to have problems with a curly apostrophe too. :-/
Ha! The email above decoded my entities! The text after “encoding it as an HTML entity like…” was an ampersand followed by ndash and a semicolon. The second was an ampersand followed by #8211 and a semicolon!
It may be due to the fact that I simply copied and pasted the title from my original Word doc. I typed it on a PC by using alt+4 codes (as in: hold down the alt key and type 0150 on the numeric keypad) as opposed to ever consciously encoding it as an HTML entity like – or –. WP rendered it correctly, but it may have been too forgiving about how the character got in there.
(Yeah, it was an en-dash, not an em-dash, but the same applies.)
Don’t know if that helps….
You’re not going to believe this. I just spent the last several hours on the following: Made a new post titled Test Post and gave it one line of body copy. It worked perfectly. So I went into my master text document and copied and pasted in the first paragraph. Worked perfectly. I continued copying and pasting a paragraph at a time. Again, worked perfectly. Then I added photos. Worked perfectly. The only thing left to do was copy and paste in the title. FAIL. Why? There was an em-dash in the title. I changed it to a colon and everything was perfect. I had no idea that would cause email to choke!
Wish I had thought of that first. :-/
RichHello Mattyrob,
No plugins are activated. I’m working with per-post mode. Haven’t excluded any categories for Registered Users (I’m not going to have those anyway) but all formatting options are excluded. I’ve done everything on the troubleshooting link you sent.
I’m using the Twenty Eleven theme with a couple of color and font changes to the css and have not changed that to something else, because if that’s what it takes to make Subscribe2 work, I’ll have to find another way! But I don’t see anywhere that that theme is a conflict.
Is there any chance that changing a published post to draft and then back again isn’t sufficient to trigger a new email?
Thank you again,