Nope! another 2 hour session and the help guy managed to get 5 out of the 6 sites working. Of course, the 6th is the one I use most and have the most customers on.
Was advised they don’t deal with multi sites. he managed to copy the wp-config and hp-access files from the original, which sorted some of it, but couldn’t get it to work properly. Best suggestion was to temporarily point it to the old set up until I decide how to proceed. I think the inference is i cannot host it on godaddy if I want to use multi-site.I am now at a complete loss. I don’t know enough about the programming side of things to make any sort of decision.
I wonder if i need to fnd a developer who can take the backup and create a new install with another host who can work with multisite – or i change the way I have things set up. Nightmare!