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  • Ricardo


    Ricardo, you made it!
    Seems to work: Plugin is active AND featured images can be added.
    Thanks for your work, saved me a lot of time, because now I do not have to look for another download plugin.

    fieseline, I’m glad to know that I could help.

    Thanks for the update, I will include this in the next update!

    Nice Barry, thanks!



    Hi folks!

    I’ve face that same issue, however, I’ve found out that IS a way to at least change the 500 character limit on the excerpts of announcements.

    This worked for me. Put this in your theme functions.php:

    $timeline_express_options = get_option('timeline_express_storage');
    $timeline_express_options['excerpt-trim-length'] = '9999'; // must be a string

    You should replace the ‘9999’ to the number you want to limit chars.

    Ricardo Pires – RP Desenvolvimento.



    Hi folks!

    Think I’ve found the solution.

    Around line 182 of wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/includes/class-wp-dlm.php, after this:

    $current_support = get_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    Put this:

    if(is_array($current_support[0])) $current_support = $current_support[0];

    Then the code should be like this:

    // Get current supported
    			$current_support = get_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    			if(is_array($current_support[0])) $current_support = $current_support[0];

    Barry Kooij, maybe this could be considered in the next plugin update, so we don’t need to edit plugin core files. ??

    Ricardo Pires – RP Desenvolvimento.



    Olá Claudio!

    Só passei por aqui pra agradecer. Tive um problema com os métodos de envio dos Correios e fazendo o que você falou aqui neste post (configurando “Declarar Valor = N?o” por enquanto nas configura??es do WooCommerce) fez com que voltasse a funcionar.

    Verificando o log percebi que a API dos correios estava escutando o valor declarado como “0,00”, e dava o erro -5: ‘O Valor Declarado nao deve exceder R$ 10.000,00’, conforme o pessoal postou anteriormente.

    Muito obrigado por estar presente no suporte de seus excelentes plugins e ajudando a nossa comunidade do WordPress.


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