Tried this and still same error.
Edit wp-config.php
It is possible to set the site URL manually in the wp-config.php file.
Add these two lines to your wp-config.php, where “” is the correct location of your site.
This is not necessarily the best fix, it’s just hardcoding the values into the site itself. You won’t be able to edit them on the General settings page anymore when using this method.
Edit functions.php
If you have access to the site via FTP, then this method will help you quickly get a site back up and running, if you changed those values incorrectly.
1. FTP to the site, and get a copy of the active theme’s functions.php file. You’re going to edit it in a simple text editor and upload it back to the site.
2. Add these two lines to the file, immediately after the initial “<?php” line.
update_option( ‘siteurl’, ‘’ );
update_option( ‘home’, ‘’ );