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Not sure why this now works – I do not know what changed with my setup that is blocking Simple History if I use Google Chrome like I always have with Ad Blockers disabled – but when I go into incognito mode with Chrome – everything works as it should.
Thank you for your suggestion – it was so obvious of a troubleshooting step that I overlooked it and thought since your last update something broke… Well something did break but it is within my browser.
Now to find out what is interfering – wish me luck.
Thanks for the excellent plugin – and excellent support it is greatly appreciated
I’m using Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) and Google Chrome Version 63.0.3239.108 (Official Build) (64-bit). Both are currently fully updated, I do have multiple ad blockers installed normally, but I will try Private mode and see how that works – thanks
The only thing I’ve noticed is that if I am in my Admin area on the dashboard and click a link that takes me off of my website (ex. then I press back in my browser Simple History works flawlessly. But just visiting my dashboard it says 80 events today from one user. Shows loading history and a little circular watch (loading graphic) then it just stops and displays nothing – then if I click to goto an outside website and then click back – my dashboard loads and simple history displays everything
Do you have any suggestions on where and what I should look for – such as error logs… I do not want to be overlooking something simple.
I had deactivated every plugin except Simple History and even used the Twenty fifteen theme – still is happening
I did not see anything in the error logs on the server, but will clear them and reactivate this plugin only and see what if anything goes in the error log
No errors unfortunately just doesn’t work like it used to. Like I said it disables on the dashboard the ability to even click “Screen Options” or “Help”.
I never thought about php error log, I will check that and get back with you. Thanks for the suggestion hope it has something we can diagnose and fix – because this is the only plugin of its kind with the functionality I want.
No I deactivated everything, this has only been happening since the update.
I thought I was as detailed as could be and even explained how it started to work again sort of, but if you need me to try to give you more info let me know. Please fix because their really isn’t anything comparable I can use as a plugin and this is a great plugin but since latest update it gave me issues. Or try to give me some ideas I haven’t tried to fix this issue please. I had seen another with similar issues in this forum but they never responded if they got it fixed.
No other plugins active, uninstalled and reinstalled both WordPress and Simple History to no avail
Ok, delete the role of Admin in UM2.0 – which allowed me to change my wp role to Administrator and it saved this time, so it is fixed in case others have issues.
Fix: Login with another wp admin account, under um roles – delete admin, go to users under wp, select administrator
Deactivate UM2.0, I can get back into backend with my main account. Reactivate um2.0 and go into users – no option to set role for my main admin account and um sets it back to member.
Where in myphp can I change it manually inside um2.0?
Upon further investigation, I am able to login with another admin account, under users I find my main profile is set to none for both the site and the um role. I change them to Admin and Administrator – save it. It reverts back to none again.
I do not want any role specific setting – for some reason if I leave Global Settings on, it defaults to only show to Members – Admin profiles are blank. Turning Global settings off I get the option for all roles – which I feel should have been default so I never had an issue.
I figured it out now.
To answer it for anyone else having this issue…
Had to go in to Ultimate Member => Forms => Select Profile Form – Here I had to turn off Global Settings – Then I was given an option for “Make this profile role-specific” – Member is selected by Default – Had to change to All Roles.
Then it worked like it should have from install. I suggest adding this solution to a knowledgebase.
Hope when version 2.0 finally comes out it has less issues, better support, and much more detailed documentation… – I am not putting you down – just with these issues in free, and not getting them resolved costs you a lot of purchases from people like myself that has to find the solution themselves – or even switch to another competitor.
I had not setup any roles other than what it comes with – just Admin and Member – both are Core it says.
So you are saying I need to create a new profile page for Admins and paste that shortcode inside the original profile form?
I am not totally understanding the profile information you gave but – if the username needs changed – you need to change it in two places within mysql.
1. Under wpye_users = Change the name – note the ID Number
2. Under wpye_usermeta = Change the user_login field for that ID NumberIf I understood correctly, I hope this helps.
Not sure if this will help you or not, but I just had this issue myself…. I was using a custom login url plugin that allowed me to choose the links to login, logout, lost password, etc… and my custom logout link was blank – so it would go to the homepage and not logout.