@lordarkad I went back down to 3.0.5 last night and everything works just fine. Our site loads up and I get access to the Dashboard. Obviously 3.1 doesn’t like our server.
What do you think of the odds of going back to 3.0.5 would break the site again? That was the last version of WordPress that worked fine for us. I’m still not able to log into the Dashboard. Can I make things any worse?
I got the Permalink Fix & Disable Canonical Redirects Pack uploaded via FTP. However, I still can’t gain access to the Dashboard to enable the plugin. Any advice how to do this would be greatly appreciated?
I tried making it where if you went to my site (revtucher.com), the blog address would be revtucher.com, not revtucher.com/wordpress. I think I messed something up somewhere along the lines, and can’t get access to my admin site.