Forum Replies Created
Actually, I’ve found it. It’s in the plugin’s CSS. Don’t know why I didn’t look in there before.
/* Placeholder text in main section */ div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:3px 0px; border:none; outline:none; color:#FFF; } div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input:-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:8px; border:none; outline:none; color:#FFF; } div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:8px; border:none; outline:none; color:#FFF; } div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input:-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:8px; border:none; outline:none; color:#FFF; }
(I’ve changed it to #FFF, by default it’s #666)
In fact, it used to be OK – I had changed its colour using CSS, but it changed with an EM update about 6 months ago, I’m wondering if there’s now a missing CSS class or something???
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login Widget With Shortcode] slight bug re css file?Thanks, that’s great. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [phpMyDirectory] Can't get plugin to workJust been looking at this again. I think all my questions are answered here:
phpMyDirectory and WP do have to be running on the same database.
…I understand now.
I’d have to create the {not_have_…} conditional myself.
Thanks philipjohn,
They are both useful bits of code. I didn’t know about {not_have_…}
Having the ‘custom placeholder function do the necessary conditional legwork’ is certainly best. I’ll see what I can do with the code.
The {not_have_…} conditionals are useable in this example, when you only have a couple of statements you want to check. But I’ve another with 5, and then all the combinations you have to account for become much too many. (Plus all the processing needed for all the nesting.)
Yes, I did, thanks.
I think I got it to work as it should. It’s just that it doesn’t do exactly what I want it to.
(In the case of two nested conditionals) it seems that both conditionals have to be met for the heading to be displayed. If only one is met, then the heading isn’t displayed.
This is my formatting code.
{has_facebookurl} {has_twitterurl} <h2><strong><span style="color: #ff6600;">Social Media</span></strong><br/></h2> {/has_twitterurl} {/has_facebookurl}
Actually, I can’t get nesting to work for this purpose. It seems all conditionals have to be satisfied or the heading won’t display.
I’m still looking for an ‘or’ function.
Think I’ve got it, nesting seems to work.
As per the instructins at the bottom of the page:
Thanks very much, that’s brilliant!
One last question.
Is it possible to write the conditional so that it includes an ‘and / or’ statement?
This would be useful for headings eg:
{has_facebookurl} and /or {has_twitterurl}
Social Media
{/has_facebookurl} and / or {/has_twitterurl}
Thanks for your advice Phil.
I’ve had a look at the code re the bookings form in EM Pro and things do look a little complicated!
I thought it might be as simple as copying a couple of the input fields from that form and adding them to event-editor.php – but obviously not.
I’ll leave it for the time being.
Just an update, in case anyone else ever has the same problem.
I’ve come across the two following plugins, which both allow block disabling of comments / trackbacks by custom post type.
No Page Comment plugin seems to work perfectly. Comments on Locations set to be disabled, and this fixes the problem I was having on my theme. (I believe it’s possible to allows comments on individual Locations if that was ever needed. This plugin just sets the default, for when the Location post is first created.)
Also, this plugin allows block resets (comments on/off) of whole post types for posts already created.
Didn’t try Disable Comments, but I guess that would work in the same way.
Oh okay, just to clarify. I’m talking about the email that gets sent out when admin approves (publishes) the event.
The email gets sent to the person who originally submitted the details to let them know their event submission has been approved – but it’s addressed:
Dear “Guest Default User” (whatever that’s set to)
The email template has:
Which I think is correct. So it seems that the #_CONTACTNAME is set to pickup the wrong name – the guest default user, not event-submitter.
Just checking, but are you sure that’s the case, Angelo?
In both test cases, I entered two made-up email addresses on the front-end event submission form.
[email protected]
[email protected]As these two addresses don’t exist, I received them into my general ‘catch-all’ [email protected] account. They’re definitely not addressed to the Guest Default User, they’re address to ‘[email protected]’ and ‘[email protected]’.
Just tested this again to make sure I hadn’t done something strange.
I did notice that when I went in to approve the event, in the back-end, the ‘Anonymous Submitter Info’ was showing correctly (as the pretend/fake person).
I still received an email addressed to my Guest Default User (my admin) though.