I have a similar coding problem to the one mentioned above in this thread.
I’ve made a raindrops child theme for my homepage, and I’m trying to edit my raindrops-child header copy according to the header image effect I want.
Specifically, I’d like for the header image to NOT be clickable as a whole, but only in part, at a specific mapped postion.
the css code template I have for this is
<map name="a">
<area shape="circle" coords="133,70,60" href='https://...'>
<img usemap="#a" src="image.jpg" >
<a href='https://...'>
Thing is, I’d like for the relevant image to be raindrops_header_image, but I don’t know how to call it or make it perform a similar action to the css code.
Can you help me with the appropriate code for making a specific part of the header image clickable?