Forum Replies Created
When this code was removed then users did not have to refresh the page, but I need this code to restrict access to the dashboard.
Okay, thank you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Widget font colorProblem is solved, you can delete this topic.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Widget font colorI have white color input field in login form and white color font in widget. Is it so hard when they write code to put dark and light version, for any background?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Slider title and dateHello Roman,
don’t waste your time, I will install an plugin for fonts. Looks like a better solution for me.Kind regards
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Slider title and dateHello,
this code increases all the fonts, it was not my intention. I want to increase the fonts only in articles, posts and pages.
Kind regards- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by rentijer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD Rating System] Ocene posetilaca u widgetuJo? ne?to je ?udno, pi?e ovako Ocena:5.0.
Ovu ta?ku iza nule nikako ne mogu da obri?em, nije se izgubila ni sa WP-Optimize. Kad gledam preko pretra?iva?a kod ona stoji iza</strong>
a ispred Ukupno %s glasova (From %s vote.). U POeditu ispred Ukupno %s glasova nema ta?ke ni u jednom od tri polja?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD Rating System] Ocene posetilaca u widgetuRe?io sam problem sa WP-optimize.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD Rating System] Ocene posetilaca u widgetuNi?ta nije pomoglo, obrisani po i mo fajlovi, baza analizirana, optimizovana, uba?eni novi po i mo prepravljeni i opet ostalo ovo posetilaca. Nemam pojma vi?e ?ta mo?e biti, u sva tri polja je upisan novi prevod.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Slider title and dateOK @romanbon, I have just one more question.
I want to change all the written posts content font size to 16px, I tried with entry p, content p, etc. but unsuccessfully.
How do I change the font size in css?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD Rating System] Ocene posetilaca u widgetuJa sam promenio u Poeditu da umesto posetioca i posetilaca samo pre broja stoji “glasalo” ?to mi je najlogi?nije u toj varijanti, to sam stavio u sve tri opcije. Uradio sam to popodne, prebacio po i mo u folder language i ni?ta se nije promenilo, i dalje stoji posetilaca. Odakle sad vu?e to kad je promenjeno i sve ke?irano gde god je trebalo?
?im ima vi?e od jedne ocene to “posetilaca” se izgubi , znali va?i samo za varijantu kada artikal ima 1 ocenu. Nisam probao da popunim samo prvu opciju a da ostale dve ostavim prazne u Poeditu, poku?a?u i to.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD Rating System] Ocene posetilaca u widgetuI jo? ne?to, nakon promene izraza u gd-rating-system-sr_RS uop?te ne prikazuje tu promenu na sajtu, provereno sve mogu?e ?to bi moglo da bude problem ali ni?ta nije pomoglo.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Slider title and dateEverything is fine,Cloudflare was a problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Slider title and dateHi,
I am so confused, I tried to apply the same code for summary text from posts, to stay only with title on slider, but nothing happened?li.slide span.entry-summary { display: none; }
I tried also with excerpt but unsuccessfully, where I am wrong?
Best regards- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by rentijer.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Solon] Slider title and dateThat’s it, thanks, I wish you a happy and long life Roman.
Kind Regards, Zeljko.