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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Mobile images turned“and the image i click on does not link to the correct page”
Where does it link to instead?“… on the mobile device they are turned sideways …”
I once had a problem with the exif-orientation-tag of the pictures. When you turn the camera (from horizontal to vertical) the camera will write the changed angle into the images data. To edit the picures I used an older version of Corel-PhotoPaint. It ignores the existing orientation-tag. When I turned the images to fit my needs, it writes down another orientation-tag. That results, for example, in the information of a 180° turn (instead of a 90° turn I intended and saw on the screen).Loading all my pictures to a gallery in WP works fine, as far as looking on the site with a PC. But the phone has some turned images.
Uploading images WP created the different sizes, means: creating “new” images … small, middle, large. Which were used for PC.
The phone uses the images, you uploaded … exactly like it is. And therefore with different interpretation (or just: recognizing) of the exif-tags.There was a discussion about thar in the german WP-Forum, but I am too lazy to look it up again …
So … much words for a simple guess:
Did you turn around the pictures in your editing software?And: Can you point to a picture on your site, showing your issue?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] site doesn't scroll anymoreWhat do you mean by “only with the right scroll bar” ??
Do you refer to a not-working-mouse-wheel?
Or are you unable to scroll with the keys?I can’t see any problem on and the featured pages or the slider. Everything works fine (on a PC, with FF).
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to change the featured imagesI never tried it, but
seems to fit.
I am just curious:
If you don’t need the images, the featured-pages, the buttons … why then deal with the featured-pages stuff at all?
Why not build up a standard-frontpage, set pictures as, where and how you like and set up links the way you prefer leading to what-ever-you-want?
Would be much easier, I think.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to change the featured imagesThree images.
Each one leads to exactly one seperate site.So the minimum of your Website is (in short)
1. Startpage (Home) … with the three pictures (and some other stuff).
2. A page as a target for the picture #1
3. A page as a target for the picture #2
4. A page as a target for the picture #3In the Customizr-Options you can select, which page will go with 1, 2 or 3.
And the pictures you will see on your homepage later on, will be the pictures, you have defined in the page-editing for site-1, for site-2 and for site-3.
This would be the usual procedure.
___________Do you want to have sites “under” the pictures?
Or do you want to have the pictures connected with something else or with nothing at all?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to change the featured imagesThese are the images, you define as “post-image” (in german it is “Beitragsbild”) in the WP-Dashboard. In the down-right corner of the page-editing-site …
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Front page sliderHi,
I’ve noticed, that you used very different sizes for your slider-images.
(1) 1.620 x 500 … the logo
(2) 670 x 197
(3) 800 x 500
(4) 1.836 x 500 … resized zo 1.680 x 457Recommended is 1.170px in width and 500px in height. with the logo-image in the slider you also may have to “re-build” the picture, so there is more of the gray background to the left and to the right … and the logo itself has to be a bit smaller. It will allways be a compromise to deal with differnt screen-solutions.
For a deeper thought on it …
Looking at your site with I found most disturbing, that the head of the boy (the left featured-page) is cut of … until you hover with the mouse.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Footer CreditsDid you notice the NOTES, the Customizr-people put above or below the snippet?
” … Note: functions.php of your child theme is NOT supposed to be a modified version of its parent theme counterpart. If unsure, please find out here how to add a child theme.”
The link there leeds to this:’ve allways used the ChildifyMe-Plugin, mentioned there. It’s easy to use and does it’s job. The child-theme created will have a PHP-file and a CSS-file. So you just put the snippet to your child-theme’s PHP-file cia the Dashboards Editor. That’s all.
All your changes should only go to your child-theme, where Customizr will recognize them. It will be like you have done your own theme, but Customizr will lay beneath.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Footer Credits@ pprasatik
Maybe this snippet
still works wirh the actual version.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Change/remove title attribute on the logoOn the right side of the pipe would be the tagline then (if tagline is, what I see as “Untertitel”, so you could have
Wooden Dahlia | Soap & Sundry
shown while hovering with the mouse. Would that be wrong?
And there is an option, that the tagline should not be shown on the site itself.
I think it’s a mistake, that the title-tag (esp. the pipe) is shown, even if site-title an tagline are not given.
Anyway …Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Change/remove title attribute on the logoJust a guess, because I don’t use a logo, but I think:
In the Customizr-Options … header and subheader (or maybe it’s title and subtitle – using a german version here, so I am not sure).
I think, the title-tag on the logo consists of these two, seperated by the pipe, the | …
If there are no values, it gives you just the [ | ]. To fill in some values there would be the easiest way to adjust this.If you really want to get rid of the title-tag at all, there will be some PHP-advice from a PHP-guru, I hope.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Featured PagesI never tried, but first I would start with giving the category-archives a name-structure like
You can achieve that in the WP-Dashboard. I can’t point to the exact WP-Menuitems, because I am using the german version. But it should be under categories and under permalinks.Then have a look at to get rid of the archive-specific title. And you may have to look at the theme-options for the layout of the archive-pages.
Then have a look at to insert your custom (category-archive) pages.
Maybe there are some side-effects, I don’t realize. But I would try it like this.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Homepage- main container above marketing containerNot sure if this fits your needs, but have a look at
(esp. the 2nd example)Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Animated gif failIf you like:
contains an Screenrecording of what I see with firefox_46.01 for example.
The recording is an *.avi … the mediaplayer in Windows should play it.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Animated gif failDid you solve the problem allready?
Beside the fact, that there are two gifs with the same rotating house … it works in Firefox, in IE-11 and in Vivaldi.
Additionally the left one opens in Lightbox. Then there are three houses rotating like there was an overdose of alcohol ;o)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Remove formatting from table?I didn’t try it yet, but this plug-in looked very impressive (and easy to use)