What did you do before this error happened?
I was adding fields, editing, looking for any discrepancy in the form.
Is this a brand new install, old install?
I’m sorry I’m very new to all this, I think it is an old install (we use version 4.2.2). Our website was made by a third party company and is online for almost two years.
I was told to add two new pages each with a form. The first one is working fine and is online! Don’t know why this happened to the second one.
Have checked your server error logs?
Our site is hosted at hostgator, I think the log error services are disabled, it just shows a blank page when I try to access it.
Have you trued different browsers/computers?
Yes, I already tried different browsers and computers.
Have discussed with your hosting provider?
I emailed them and I’m waiting for their answer.