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  • remseo


    @jules-colle : Good to know, thanks.
    Is your [multifile] tag also handles files chunking ?

    @ventio : Yes it’s clearly far from a perfect solution.
    The Pro version looks like a good idea in that case.

    In addition to my previous post :
    1) If you have a single mfile in your form you could always target it with $tag->name (from wpcf7_validate_mfile filter).

    2) Note that you can also access condition rules from $_POST datas.
    You maybe could retrieve your condition field tag name from $cfcf_condition var below, then retrieve its value from $_POST datas.

    $posted_data = $_POST;
    $cf7cf_options = json_decode(stripslashes($posted_data['_wpcf7cf_options']));
    $cf7cf_conditions = $cf7cf_options->conditions;
    error_log('[Custom_DEBUG] Check current form conditions rules');
    error_log(print_r($cf7cf_conditions, true));





    Modify this code with your datas and let me know if it helps you.
    Don’t forget to modify your mfile to make it optional. This code will re-validate it.

    Note that CF7 validates form fields in a linear order
    This function probably won’t work if your mfile is placed before your field used as a display condition rule.

    add_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_mfile', 'fix_cf7cf_validation_issue', 20, 2 );
    function fix_cf7cf_validation_issue( $result, $tag ) {
    $check_mfile_field = false;
    $mfile_field_name = 'custom_name'; //Modify it with your targeted mfile name
    $condition_field_name = 'custom_cond_name'; //Modify it with your targeted condition field (which display your mfile)
    $targeted_value = 'custom_value'; //Optional if you're using statement 1 below

    //Grab posted value for your display condition field
    //If needed get your second, third… conditions fields
    //Note that sanitize_text_field is probably not really useful but still
    $condition_field = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$condition_field_name]);

    //Choose from one of this common statements below

    //Statement 1 - Check if your field has any value
    if( !empty($condition_field) ) {
    $check_mfile_field = true;

    //Statement 2 - Check if your field has a specific value
    if( $condition_field == $targeted_value ) {
    $check_mfile_field = true;

    //Statement 3 - Check if your field has a specific value
    //when this value is an array (typically checkbox or select fields where your end user could select multiple values)
    if( in_array($condition_field, $targeted_value) ) {
    $check_mfile_field = true;

    //If your conditions to display your mfile are met then check for empty mfile
    if( $check_mfile_field === true ) {
    if ( $mfile_field_name == $tag->name ) {
    $file_url = isset( $_POST[$mfile_field_name] ) ? sanitize_url($_POST[$mfile_field_name]) : '';
    if( empty($file_url) ) {
    $result->invalidate( $tag, "Please upload your file" );
    //OPTIONAL 1 - Filetype verification (if this code break any other default validations)
    $allowed_type = array('mp4', 'mpeg', 'mov'); //Change it depending on your needs
    $extension = pathinfo($file_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    if ( !in_array($extension, $allowed_type) ) {
    $result->invalidate( $tag, "Please use only allowed file extensions" );
    //OPTIONAL 2 - Filesize verification (if this code break any other default validations)
    //Note that you have to use file path and not URL for PHP filesize() function
    $file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . parse_url($file_url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $max_size_allowed = 400000000; //Size in bytes - here its for 50Mb
    $filesize = filesize($file_path);
    if( $filesize > $max_size_allowed ) {
    $result->invalidate( $tag, "Your file seems too big (max file size : xxxMo)" );

    return $result;


    Hi there,

    I confirm there is a compatibility problem between CF7 and this additional plugin :

    I suppose you’re using this drag’n’drop plugin too (free or pro version).

    If so, the only way to make it works for now is to use some optional mfile fields in your form.

    If you can add custom PHP code in your installation : i have a snippet which works well to fix it.
    Just let me know if you need it.


    Thread Starter remseo


    Hi Imran,

    Yes i confirm : this issue is resolved on your last versions (1.38.0+).
    Tested on php 8.0.13 + 8.1.26 + 8.2.27

    Thanks for your feedback on this minor issue.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter remseo


    Hi there,

    Thanks for your answer Richard
    Thanks also to @lukesterin for your contribution and verification.

    This error/bug is solved in version 3.25.1 as detailed in elementor status page.

    I mark this topic as solved.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter remseo


    Hi Nithin,

    Thanks for your reactivity.
    I mark this topic as resolved.

    Yes that’s clearly not an issue, just a bit annoying when debug log is active ??
    I’m not sure if this is the good way but your team could add a simple ternary operator to the relevant line :

    $confirm_password = !empty(Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ ‘confirm_’ . $id ]) ? Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data[ ‘confirm_’ . $id ] : ””;

    Best regards.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by remseo. Reason: missing an ending quote
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