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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My Calendar - Accessible Event Manager] Add ACF-Fields to My CalendarHi,
also just played a bit around with your custom there a way to control, where they are being placed in the submissions form with the pro-version of the plugin?
this is my code:
add_filter( ‘mc_event_details’, ‘my_event_phone’, 10, 14 );
function my_event_phone( $form, $has_data, $event, $context ) {
if ( $has_data ) {
$post_id = $event->event_post;
/* Any custom fields are saved as custom post meta */
$phone = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘_mc_event_phone’, true ) );
} else {
$phone = ”;
$form .= “<p><label for=’event_phone’>” . __( ‘Tel.’, ‘yourtel’ ) . “</label> <input type=’tel’ name=’event_phone’ id=’event_phone’ value=’$phone’ /></p>”;return $form;
}add_action( ‘mc_update_event_post’, ‘my_event_phone_save’, 10, 4 );
function my_event_phone_save( $post_id, $post, $data, $event_id ) {
if ( is_phone( $post[‘event_phone’] ) ) {
$phone = $post[‘event_phone’];
update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘_mc_event_phone’, $phone );
}add_filter( ‘mc_filter_shortcodes’, ‘my_event_phone_tag’, 10, 2 );
function my_event_phone_tag( $details, $event ) {
$post_id = $event->event_post;
/* This content will be accessible as {contact_phone} in templates. */
$details[‘contact_phone’] = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘_mc_event_phone’, true );return $details;
}and this is my submission form shortcode:
[submit_event fields=”event_title=Zweck,event_date=Datum,event_time=Start,end_time=Ende,mcs_name=Name,mcs_email=E-Mail,mcs_event_phone=telefon,description=Nachricht” categories=’0′ category=’19’ locations=’none’ location=’0′]
but my problem is that mcs_event_phone is displayed at the beginning of the form…
thx for your help,
stefanForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Live Scores for SportsPress] PHP Upstream time outok, thanks.
same problem we just had on saturday during our last game.
restarting PHP fixed it…could also send you my nginx and php config if you could provide an email-address…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Live Scores for SportsPress] PHP Upstream time outThanks!
looking forward hearing from you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] attributes and variants not shown on invoicesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] attributes and variants not shown on invoicesHI,
in the meantime I could track further down the problem and I think it’s already wrong in the woocommerce order and the wrong invoice is just a subsequent fault:
I’ve got a variant article called “Fensterblattbeet” with a variation: attribute: “Designlinie”, variant name “Upcycling”
in the order the following product name is shown “Fensterblattbeet – Upcycling”, i.e. the variant name goes into the order item name. in the order item meta data it is not shown, hence not on the invoice. in the order item meta data I just have the SKU and variant ID, no attributes.
I’ve set up a development site where I could give you temporary access… (would need an email where I could send the credentials to)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fullscreen Galleria] lightbox opens twice in envira galleryok thanks!
was just playing around, because I would need the fullscreen functionality of your plugin and the features of some other gallery (pagination, load more, organization of galleries), which is quite complicated to achieve with the built in wordpress gallery.
any suggestions from your side, which gallery I could use or how I could combine all the features (real fullscreen, pagination/load more, and tags for images would be the most important)?
I’m aware of the full-width option.would need the fullscreen option.
I guess there’s no option at all…
using the developer version and I would have the same request as well
ok, thx for your answer!
not 100% the thing I hoped, but good to know…
at least one part can be done automatically.cheers
tried to figure out how display_settings in table wp_postmeta is populated, but unfortunately no success..
gave up then and did the work manually..
ok thanks!
used the add gallery button…
will think about some solution which prevents me from clicking through all posts and change everything manually.