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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best way to disable update nag emails?Thanks for the suggestion!
Presumably this would disable all update emails? I still want to receive notification of minor core updates, I just don’t want major update nags.
But… I see problems with that filter anyway:
if ( 'manual' !== $type && ! apply_filters( 'auto_core_update_send_email', true, $type, $core_update, $result ) ) return;
The conditional includes a negation operator on the apply_filters call. So if I have this filter return false, then the conditional will return true?
And the first part of the conditional is if the type is not manual then return, but I am getting the email from the ‘manual’ case of the switch below it.
(just working it out in my head here…) So, to bail out on the email, …
Um wait, the code is telling me that I can only bail out on update emails when the $type is not manual. So this filter is of no use to stop the update nag spam.
It is looking like the answer is no, I will just have to put up with update nag spam.
I’d say this merits a bug report, but I do not have time for that now…
Thanks for the info! I will take another look at the product when I get a chance.
Now you just need to add that link to the plugin description that appears here on I am sure that doing so will result in better customer relations and more sales of the plus product.
Only some futures:
I can’t see anything from the oo schoolkids replacing that any time soon ??Also, I haven’t used it, but there are things like this for debugging php web applications: anyway, thanks again for the great plugin and your attentiveness to this support forum. Hopefully Freemius will get that fixed for us. It’s not really that big a deal of a bug, just an annoying one.
Ya, I’m gonna stop here. Having identified the root of the problem. If Freemius wants to hire me, they can get in touch, but there’s a tad too much oo happiness in that code for me. ??
Oh and my guess as to why you’re not seeing this on your site is related to the is_activation_mode conditional.
Ya, here’s the problem (in popup-maker/includes/libs/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php(6645)):
function _add_default_submenu_items() { if ( ! $this->is_on() ) { return; } if ( ! $this->is_activation_mode() ) { if ( $this->_menu->is_submenu_item_visible( 'support' ) ) { $this->add_submenu_link_item( $this->apply_filters( 'support_forum_submenu', __fs( 'support-forum', $this->_slug ) ), $this->apply_filters( 'support_forum_url', '' . $this->_slug ), 'wp-support-forum', 'read', 50 ); } } }
Note the ‘read’ capability specified in their wrapper for add_submenu_page.
So it’s gonna run something like this (in the freemius class):
(init) _add_default_submenu_items
(admin_menu) _prepare_admin_menu
embed_submenu_itemsHoly menu functions Batman!
So the _add_default_submenu_items function quoted above needs to pick up the parent menu item capability, in my opinion. Not quite sure how to do that in this context yet. But if you tell the Freemius people to look there, they should be able to fix that up for us.
Which has me looking at:
… and I’m not seeing any function there to determine the parent menu item capability.I do so hate oo code. It makes audits such as this unduly arduous.
Cool, thanks again for the attentive replies, feel free to mark it resolved, I just wanted to make sure you saw my test.
Multisite could perhaps be related, also PHP version, which is why I mentioned the test was on PHP 7.0.9.
If I remain bored I may look at the code again to see if I can find a better fix that pum/freemius can implement.
Actually, no need for me to dig through your code any further, it was faster just to do your QA for you and create a completely new clean fresh and bare WordPress install with only Popup Maker installed, create a subscriber user and login, and lo and behold:
(WordPress 4.5.3 stock and bare + Popup Maker 1.4.15, on PHP 7.0.9, as SuExec fcgi behind Apache behind an nginx reverse proxy – a HostGator Reseller account)
There it is. So, um, yeah, I’d file that under “you should take another look at your code”. ??
You’re welcome for the free QA.
But really, Popup Maker is an awesome plugin and I really appreciate the free version, it serves me well. I love it. So this will be my first donation. ??
P.S. This topic is not really resolved.
P.P.S Please don’t tell the freemius developer about my using PHP_INT_MAX as the priority integer in the add_action call to override this, I’d like to keep that ace up my sleeve. (that arms race has a limit, which I have hit)
Interesting. Thanks for the reply. I could see nothing in the code of your plugin or freemius that would prevent this menu item appearing for all users regardless of permissions, though perhaps I missed it.
The case I was looking at was a site where LearnDash is installed, and I am using Justin Tadlocks Members plugin to manage role permissions. The user I was testing with had only the Subscriber and LearnDash’s Group Leader roles.
Neither of these roles has the edit_posts capability. So something is missing here. I’ll take another look at your plugin code for you.
but from what I recall seeing you are just restricting the top level menu item, where freemius does not do so for the support submenu item, and in my experience, even if a user does not have permission to see the parent menu item, if they do have permission to see the submenu item, wordpress will show the parent and the child menu item. If the user clicks on the parent menu item, they will get a permissions error, if they click on the child menu item that they do have permission for, they will not.
I’ll take another look at your code to confirm this. Because I am bored. It is possible that something else is at play, but I don’t think it is in this case.
Aha! Got it to work with the following:
/* disable popup maker support link */ function rbs_remove_menu_pages() { remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=popup', 'popup-maker-wp-support-forum' ); } add_action( 'admin_menu', 'rbs_remove_menu_pages', PHP_INT_MAX );
I will leave the function in my child theme functions, but I would suggest that the popup maker developer get together with the freemius developer and ensure that this support menu link does not appear for roles who do not have permission to access popup maker.
P.S. Apologies for the double posts, seems the support forums now have major lag between posting and visibility.
Tried using PHP_INT_MAX…
/* disable popup maker support link */ function rbs_remove_menu_pages() { remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=popup', 'edit.php?post_type=popup&page=popup-maker-wp-support-forum' ); } add_action( 'admin_menu', 'rbs_remove_menu_pages', PHP_INT_MAX );
(note the ampersand above is the htmlentity, this forum insists on rendering it inside code tags)
No joy. Maybe if I use the 32bit maximum integer value? (2147483647) Nope.
I just can’t get rid of this pesky menu item. Very frustrating.
Oh I see the problem. In popup-maker/includes/libs/freemius/config.php this is set:
define( 'WP_FS__LOWEST_PRIORITY', 999999999 );
and then used in popup-maker/includes/libs/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php:
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, '_add_default_submenu_items' ), WP_FS__LOWEST_PRIORITY );
Not cool.
So I guess I need to go one bigger or find the highest possible value for that integer and use it.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Download Page Linking Version 4.2.1 (, I am seeing different versions of this topic depending on whether I am logged in or not. I suspect nginx reverse proxy high-jinx.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Download Page Linking Version 4.2.1 ( must have caught it as a change was being made. It seems to me that the current release used to be linked directly. Now it is linked as / which now results in a download of
Request URL: Request Method:GET Status Code:200 Remote Address: Response Headers accept-ranges:bytes cache-control:private content-disposition:attachment; content-length:8424250 content-type:application/zip date:Tue, 19 Jul 2016 15:01:12 GMT last-modified:Tue, 21 Jun 2016 16:18:23 GMT server:nginx status:200 x-frame-options:SAMEORIGIN x-nc:BYPASS lax 249
Weird. Someone must have been messing with it.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable Update Nag Emails?And now I am getting emails from clients where we have them set as the admin email on the site.
This “we know better than you” code is beginning to seriously damage my calm.