Jim Reekes
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Change schema type from WebPage to ArticleLooking into the source code, I think I have figured out how to create the filter.
Please verify this code is correct. If not, please provide the correct code. And please update the documentation to describe this filter option.
// use schema type article function schema_article_post_types($post_types) { $post_types = array('my-post-type', 'my-other-post-type', 'post'); return $post_types; } add_filter( 'wpseo_schema_article_post_types', 'schema_article_post_types' );
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Jim Reekes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] API for auto-generated descriptionThis issue was not resolved.
I’m still looking for the code to get the auto-generated except created by Yoast.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] API for auto-generated descriptionThe inactivity is that I haven’t gotten an answer. The sample code above has problems. Does Yoast have an API for getting the auto-generated excerpt?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] API for auto-generated descriptionI’m using the latest versions: WordPress 5.0.3 and Yoast 9.5
Your plugin does create an auto-generated expert. To enable this feature, you add the %%excerpt%% variable to the Excerpt field in Search Appearance template.
The description for this is in your documentation. It reads: “Replaced with the post/page excerpt (or auto-generated if it does not exist)”
This auto-generated except appears on the front-end html page within the meta-description tag, as well as og:description and twitter:description.
I’m building the schema for my pages, and I must add a description. It’s not an option to leave it out. In the case there wasn’t an except manually created, I want to use the auto-generated one created by your plugin.
Back to my question…How can I access the Yoast auto-generated excerpt from PHP?
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Jim Reekes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SyntaxHighlighter Evolved] `>` is converted to HTML entitiesand ” is turned into
This makes the plugin broken, as it’s modifying the source code incorrectly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SyntaxHighlighter Evolved] Ampersand characterI’m *not* using Gutenberg, and have the problem with &.
I’m also having the problem with “. Those are getting converted into
The & and ” characters are appearing within comments of my sample code. I would like comments to be ignore, and passed through untouched.
Also, it’s more than a problem than just within comments. For example, my sample code includes output to the shell, such as requesting the help text from my module. That output includes quotes. Instead of getting the ” symbol I’m getting
I’m testing out the plugin, but these problems have me stalled.
I’m on WordPress 5.0.3
PS – the filter by kaggdesign works for &, but not “
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Jim Reekes.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Jim Reekes.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Jim Reekes.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Jim Reekes.
Q: How can I completely block https://site.ru Referrer please?
A: Say goodbye to iThemes Security, and switch to Wordfence. Blocking a referrer is a built in feature, and it has many more.
I had to give up on iThemes Security. It was creating inexplicable errors and there’s no support for the free version.
I’ve been using Wordfence for a few weeks now and it’s fantastic. I have site.ru block. The other missing feature in iThemes Security is blocking attempts to access known vulnerabilities such as php files or plugins. iThemes Security will only report these as 404 errors. Wordfence lets you name these files, and block those IPs from further access.
Yup – every day I get this same message.
It’s been over a week and no reply.
How can we block a referrer?
In my case there was a <IfModule> .. </IfModule> mismatch in the .htaccess file. Removing that blocks solved the issue.
Not a problem for me. I’ve had to disable the plug in, as it keeps writing a bad .htaccess file taking my site off line.
I guess I could disable all features and go through turning each one on, one at a time, to see what’s wrong with the .htaccess.
I’m wondering why this problem isn’t more common. It must be an odd combination of settings.
I get 500 errors too. I’ve had to delete the .htaccess file just to get my site back on line.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Top 10 - WordPress Popular posts by WebberZone] Custom Time PeriodI found the problem is with the Widget, and not the shortcode.
I’ve switched to using the shortcode, but you may look into the problem with the widget.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Top 10 - WordPress Popular posts by WebberZone] Manually update view countI realize after posting this some may want to keep existing Top 10 history, and add history from another source. If so, you’d have to export the Top 10 table and then merge your changes. Something to think about before doing the steps above.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Top 10 - WordPress Popular posts by WebberZone] Manually update view countThank you Ajay. I had pretty much starting working on that same outline before getting your message. The order was a little different, but I can let you know it did work. For the benefit of your other users, here’s the details. Before you follow these steps, make sure you understand everything before proceeding. It only took me about 20 minutes to complete this. If you make a mistake, it could cost you much more. If you alter the Top 10 table without first exporting it for a backup, you’ll need to restore the entire site from a backup.
You’ll need to be familiar with phpMyAdmin and Excel. If you are not using Excel, you’ll need software that will let you import/export to phpMyAdmin, plus manipulate the tables. The key features will be sorting the table, extracting a string, and most of all a way to merge two tables based on a key value.
Data set #1
Getting the content exported in Google Analytics is pretty straightforward, for anyone familiar with it. You only need GA variables: Page and Pageviews.
Set the Google Analytics date range to what you want. Also apply any other filters you are using. In my case I filter out GA spam. I’m just insane about details like this. It may not be applicable for you, and it may not even matter. If the pageviews are off by a small percent, it’s in the relative noise.
The Google Analytics list needs the slug separated from its path. I used a quick grep tool to create a third column (e.g. replace the last “/” with a tab). It’s also possible to do this in Excel. From there you can filter which pages/posts (or in my case, custom posts) you want. This was straightforward for me, since all of these are in specific directories (reflected by their permalink structure).
The short answer is you only need the list of slugs and pageviews. from GA. This was my Excel table of just those two columns.
Data set #2
The second piece of data needed is the post table from WordPress. Easy enough to export this using phpMyAdmin. Note, you won’t get the required post ID field if you export from the WordPress admin page. Next thing to note, this table is usually called wp_posts but since I’m using security software all tables have a different prefix. Just find the xx_posts table and export that as CSV.
The only portions of the table you need are the ID, and post_name (which is really the slug). But there are other fields in this table that are important for sorting/filtering this list. Set the export type to CSV. Next, set the option to “Remove carriage return/line feed characters within columns.” This will strip them from the content, which you don’t even need but if the CR/LF are including in the export it will mess up the import into Excel.
Once you have the exported table for all posts, use the post_type, post_mime_type, and post_status fields to filter the list. I was able to delete thousands of posts this way.
At this point you have a table in Excel that included the post’s ID and post_name, plus many other columns that can ignored ignored.
Using Excel’s VLookup() function, use the slug (in tables from #1 and #2) as the index. Then insert the missing column in the other table. You can add the missing ID to table #1, or the Pageviews to table #2. After this, you have a complete data set of the two required columns: ID and Pageviews.
Create Table #3
This is the one you’ll import into WordPress, and replace your current Top 10 table. You only need two columns: ID and Pageviews. Delete all other columns in the Excel table. Add a third column, which will be the blog ID number. You’ll get that in the next step.
Export the Top 10 table
I exported the Top 10 table wp_top_ten (or xx_top_ten for those with software that has changed the prefix). I ignored the table of daily counts. Since I didn’t have any data in that table after installing the plugin, I simply visited a few pages to generate a few page counts. I exported the Top 10 table just to confirm I had the right format, and do a sanity check with real data. You can also confirm the table’s format in phpMyAdmin. It’s postnumber, cntaccess, and blog_id (which is 1 in my case for all posts I was looking for). For your own sanity check, visit at least one page of every type you’re concerned with (blogs, pages, custom posts, etc) just to get this last number.
Another sanity check. Confirm a few of the postnumbers you just exported from the Top 10 list match the IDs and slugs you have in the table #3. You want to double check all your work at this point. You don’t want to import data in to the table and get this wrong, especially if you have been using Top 10 for some time. In my case I am installing it for the first time. Any mistakes can be solved by deleting the entire data. You may not have that option.
If during the final step you get in trouble you can delete all the data from your WordPress site, and then reimport the Top 10 list again. That will restore it, and that’s why you want to export the Top 10 before the final step.
Complete Table #3 and Export
Look at the blog_id column in your Top 10 export. If it’s not all the same number, you’ll need to merge those number with table #3. I suspect they’re all the same. In my case they were all “1”. Going back to table #3 I filled in the third column with a row of 1s.
At this point you have a new table of the Top 10, with the Pageviews from Google. It should be only the three columns, and no header. Export this as a CSV file.
Import into WordPress
Back in phpMyAdmin you’ll select the Top 10 table (same one you exported previously) and import the CSV file you created from Table #3 (just those three columns). Before you do this step, note you’ll be replacing the page counts used by Top 10. In my case, having never used it before, I deleted that table and wasn’t replacing anything. I suspect it’s OK to import over top the existing table, and expect SQL to replace the duplicates you’re adding.
I like to be sure I know what’s happening. I would delete the all entries in the Top 10 table before importing. This is why you saved the Top 10 export in the step above. If there’s any problems, you can restore from this backup.
After you complete the import, you have Top 10 using the page counts you obtained from Google Analytics.
It took me longer to write this up than it did to actually do all the steps above. Mainly I wanted to let you know it can be done, and it worked well. I think if you added this feature into your product, you’d find customers will be very happy! You might even get users to switch from a competing tool to Top 10, because they don’t want to switch and loose this history.
If they have such history, they could export it from phpMyAdmin instead of Google. OK, back to working on my site!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Post Counts Before InstallationIs there a way to manually set the counter?
BTW – importing page counts is a big value. Without this feature I don’t know if it’s worth installing a popular page count plugin. I really need the long history. I have hundreds of pages with thousands of views each.