Forum Replies Created
I found version 3.103.1. Is it possible to get the premium plugin for that version? Can’t find that one online in a depository. It doesn’t work without the license number so I’m hoping it will also be available somewhere. Unfortunately, I haven’t backed up recently enough to have a good copy.
I need version 3.103.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] this plugin give a direct link to custumer ?I have just sent a note to Support with an issue but I’m afraid it will be delayed due to the weekend!
My customers cannot see the product download link when they click on the link in their email…it’s just a blank page.
What does this mean?
The file purchased is copied to a directory protected by a htaccess to forbid the access from the browser, so the file is accessed through the own plugin’s scripts, where is verified the email of user that purchased the product, and can be limited the number of downloads allowed by product, and define a period for the download links.
How to I check the setting in my wordpress site to rectify the issue?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Problem Fixed, Now I’m Scaredjmorale9:
you can’t use pretty permalinks with Brinkster Windows IIS. You’d have to their Linux server.When I talked to support, they said they could transfer my account to Linux. Even then, there are tweaks to be done. Here’s a link I found that explains how to tweak it. Not so easy to tweak. Instead, I’m switching hosts at the end of the month. (YEAY!) I don’t find Brinkster very WordPress friendly.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Problem Fixed, Now I’m Scaredinkyneil, Have you upgraded to 2.5.1? Does that work without a fix or is the fix still needed and does it still work? I also have Brinkster but am hesitant to upgrade wordpress unless I know I can get my site working again.
RebeccaForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Problem Fixed, Now I’m ScaredOtto42,
The first fix was successful for me. (I tried number 2 but my host said they couldn’t change the php.ini file.)
I would change to apache to avoid these problems in the future, but unfortunately we paid for two years at our current host. Now I know better for the future!
Thanks for your help,
RebeccaForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Problem Fixed, Now I’m ScaredPeter,
I now see what you mean about the nextgen gallery: If it’s “extend” within the post then it displays fine, but if it’s closed within an album it does not open. I usually have it extended, so I hadn’t noticed. Have you found a fix for it?
RebeccaForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Problem Fixed, Now I’m ScaredPeter,
I also have NextGEN Gallery and am using IIS. Blocking out the code above doesn’t seem to have affected the Gallery for me. Have you upgraded the NextGEN Gallery with the latest? It was updated just after 2.5 was released.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Problem Fixed, Now I’m ScaredThanks I was having the same problem–and I know next to nothing about php. blocking out that code worked for me too…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: ERROR: Undefined index: PATH_INFOIn reading some more forums, I found this
I am very much a newbie to php, but I blocked out the code suggested and my site works now. Hopefully it won’t cause further problems down the line…
Hope it works for you too.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: ERROR: Undefined index: PATH_INFOI get the same error, but when I put the old wp-settings file as you did mchwen, the following error appears:
‘Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘do_shortcode’ was given in […]\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 163.’
Does anyone know why the initial error came up for us?