Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mass Messaging in BuddyPress] New Versionis there a way to not include de-activated users in the mass messaging? Our site retains old non-paying users in the database but would prefer to NOT keep emailing/messaging them.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VoucherPress] Download more of one time same userif you want unlimited downloads you could just change
// if the voucher has been downloaded if ( "" != $download_guid && "" != $row->email && "0" != $row->downloaded ) { return "downloaded";
// if the voucher has been downloaded if ( "" != $download_guid && "" != $row->email && "0" != $row->downloaded ) { return "valid";
on line 2664 of voucherpress.php
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] add content to exerpt of all products in a certain categoryoh well. Thanks for your time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] add content to exerpt of all products in a certain categoryMaybe, but i just need to change it once as a permanent fix. it’s something we forgot to add, but it won’t need to be on there forever. We’ll be adding it to each new product manually as we go. Sorry if I explained that incorrectly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] add content to exerpt of all products in a certain categoryyeah I was just wondering if there is away to add to all the products at once. Like a sql statement in phpmyadmin. some way to filter only the products that are in the “light” category and append the statement “only available in 3 ml. to the end of every product description.
okay. Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CMB2] file upload issuecan you tell me what code you used? Thanks again. I’m finding that i can’t get wysiwyg doesn’t work either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CMB2] file upload issueMichael,
One last question, then i can let this go. If I could figure out how to load CMB2 on this plugin, is there a way to put on my form the ability to upload a pdf?This is a screenshot of what I was hoping to achieve:
ScreenshotForum: Plugins
In reply to: [CMB2] file upload issuethanks again for the help. If you ever have “freetime” and get a chance let me know if you find out anything or if there is anything else i can do to trouble shoot. Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CMB2] file upload issuethanks for the update. The plugin creator did get back to me and said that since it’s a free plugin they don’t offer consistent support. I asked several questions a couple weeks ago and didn’t get answers. I recently re-asked as well. I muddled through most of my issues, but this one i couldn’t figure out. I wasn’t sure if the plugin was on CMB but someone here:
told me that it was CMB framework a couple weeks ago. I looked on the CMB github and the calls for meta custom fields look exactly the same. The code I added for the file upload came from that site too. Maybe that’s why it’s not working exactly?@marius sorry for the confusion, I wasn’t trying to over burden Michael, in fact I was trying to assist. I’ll take note of what you said in the future though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CMB2] file upload issueyes. Here it is
lines 279 to 291 are what i added.
This is a plugin called Cr3ativ conference. The plugin author is not responding on his page here.
I can figure out the output for html if i could just get the file to attach correctly.
If it’s easier, i can set up an account on my site where it’s all running. I really appreciate your help.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: adding default values for custom field arraysit’s not letting me reply on my rudtek account. Not sure why. I tried what you suggested and i didn’t get any errors but it definitely didn’t load the defaults. any idea why? The framework came with a them i purchased, so i don’t know how to update it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Convert all variable products to simple productcan you download them, edit the csv file and then re-import?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce CSV importer] Does not import all productsversion 3.1? I only see that you’re on 2.2.2. how can i get 3.1 becuase i’m having this issue as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cr3ativ Conference] display past sessionhello?