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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: can't see the site when typing the url.I got the answer! its:
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: can't see the site when typing the url.I reinstalled everything from scratch but still this problem when i type i get:
index of/.cms/
do i have to alter settings in my database or so. >? I am a complete novice. First time it worked but obvious i destroyed some settings or files ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: my website does not show up!ok sorry i understand i just have to fill out the existing database again and all will be allright. I think i’ve got it. Thanks for help
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: my website does not show up!maybe it sounds stupid but what about the databases etc. When i started i just clicked on a button in cpanel and automatically wordpress was installed. After that i went to a procedure to set up the database for the website. I read how to install wordpress via ftp but what about the databases?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: in which folder should i put a childtheme?I did this and copied the style.css from the folder “resposive”and renamed the name in the style.css and also template as explained. Then i changed some fontparameters just to check but nothing changed.
The direct folder under themes is “responsive.” so according to the helpfile i should make a folder on this level for the child. In my case in the folder “responsive.″is just another subfolder called “responsive” So do i understand it correct that i have to make a folder on this level? ( within the folder “responsive.” i have to create a folder for the child css? )I do not know what i am doing wrong or is it not possible just to copy the style.css and only change the name and template. Should i also use this import quote? Please let me know whether i use the correct folder and if it is possible just to copy the original style.css file rename the name and template and then just make the wanted changes in this file.