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  • Hello japjitravel –

    Didn’t you see that this Page Builder is no longer maintained / and supported?

    It still seems to work, but since it will no longer adapted to new WordPress versions,one probably don’t know if it will cause problems sooner or later.

    The developer of this Page Builder (Andrew) has really created a great plugin. But since WordPress was probably completely restructured (or similar) for the introduction of the Gutenberg Editor, he didn’t have enough capacity to handle this on his own, if I remember it right.

    As a result he gave or sold the plugin to a development team, which then announced the further development “to be the best page builder” in the world.

    But a few months later it was suddenly announced that the plugin would NOT be developed any more, because the changes in the WP core would be too big. Unfortunately that was it and the 3000 or so users left in the cold.

    It is really too bad. I used it to build 2 websites with about 40 pages and had to rebuild everything on WP-Bakery.

    Back then we were glad that somebody finally took pity on me and made ONE more update.

    Please see these posts:
    WP 4.9 Customizer Updates Break Tailor

    With best regards Reca

    Thread Starter reca26


    Hallo –
    Danke für die schnelle Antwort.
    Update installiert und beide Funktionen funktionieren.

    Allerdings ist auf meiner Website, die ein komplett dunkles Design hat, ein neues Problem aufgetaucht: Der Best?tigungstext “Ihr Antrag wurde eingereicht. Sie erhalten eine Email von uns mit einem aktuellen Auszug Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten Daten” ist leider kaum lesbar weil schwarze Schrift auf dunklem Hintergrund nicht wirklich geht.

    Leider kann ich nirgendwo Optionen finden den Text oder sein Erscheinungsbild zu bearbeiten, noch Hinweise wie man ich dies eventuell über Custom CSS l?sen k?nnte.

    K?nnt ihr Helfen ????
    Dank + Gruss

    Ja, die Shortcodes waren über das Text-Element von WPBakery Page Builder eingefügt.

    Habe nach Alternativen gesucht und ein WP-Text Element gefunden und beide Shortcodes über dieses eingefügt.
    Dies funktioniert sehr gut bei der Anfrage nach Datenauszug. Die Code-Tags sind jetzt nicht mehr sichtbar.
    ABER bei der L?schanfrage funktioniert dies nicht. Code-Tags leider immer noch sichtbar.
    Dies ist optisch unbefriedigend, zumal beide Abruffelder jetzt verschieden gro? sind.

    Die Sache mit dem “Plain Text” übersteigt momentan mein Wissen als WP-Newbie …
    Was kann ich noch tun???

    Grüsse Reca

    Thread Starter reca26


    Hallo –
    Danke für die schnelle Antwort.

    Ja, die Shortcodes waren über das Text-Element von WPBakery Page Builder eingefügt.

    Habe nach Alternativen gesucht und ein WP-Text Element gefunden und beide Shortcodes über dieses eingefügt.
    Dies funktioniert sehr gut bei der Anfrage nach Datenauszug. Die Code-Tags sind jetzt nicht mehr sichtbar.
    ABER bei der L?schanfrage funktioniert dies nicht. Code-Tags leider immer noch sichtbar.
    Dies ist optisch unbefriedigend, zumal beide Abruffelder jetzt verschieden gro? sind.

    Die Sache mit dem “Plain Text” übersteigt momentan mein Wissen als WP-Newbie …
    Was kann ich noch tun???

    Grüsse Reca



    Hello –

    Update for those who might be interested:
    Though I’ve installed the WP GDPR compliance-plugin only on 1 WP-Installation, the hacker affects the WP-core files on about 11 other WP-installations. According to my hoster (webgo) my whole webspace is affected. As a result NONE of my websites is viewable due to many “Parse error ….” warnings because of altered wp-includes or wp-content files.

    For a life-view of my misery, please see


    regards reca



    Hi @goenz25
    Thanks for your reply.
    In the meanwhile, I’ve found 3 uploaded files

    Similar to @nickm37 I have about 12 sites on the same server – ONLY ONE with the GPDR plugin, BUT ALL class-oembed.php are changed.

    This is really alarming.

    According to the participant “rivmedia” in another WP-Thread, they are also injecting a backdoor/file into the uploads folder. He advices to check the databases for hidden admin users which do not show up in the WP admin.

    Did you got aware of something similar, or did you only deleted the uploads and the user?

    Grüsse aus Hamburg

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by reca26.


    Hello @goenz25

    I’ve read your post with interest.
    Would you be so kind to write a line what kind of uploaads you’ve identified and deleted ? – This would be very great!!

    Kind regards Reca



    Hello @ all, –

    I just came across this thread, looking for help as I’m also affected by “t2trollherten”. I have the WP GDPR Compliance plugin installed on ONE WEbsite and this “guy” created a new user with admin rights.
    As a result I can’t view ALL of my websites. I’m always getting this error message:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘text’ (T_STRING) in /home/www/wordpress-major-city/wp-includes/class-oembed.php on line 461

    After looking in the class-oembed.php files of 3 of my websites and comparing it with the (original) class-oembed.php-file of a former backup, I found that this user added a huge amount of code on line 461.


    To my great amazement this code seems to be added to ALL class-oembed.php files. Even on sites that DON’T USE the WP GDPR Compliance plugin !!!

    For heaven’s sake! So easy!
    (As I wasn’t sure what to add in the Code Snippet field I haven’t already created a consent. So I came in the frustrating situation described above. As I wrote, a small sentence in the backend, regarding this requirement for a visible consent panel, would have been very helpful, and time saving to me.)

    Again thanks a lot for your help!

    Hi there – I fell in love with your Plug-in …

    BUT: I’m sorry, I have the same problem. Installed GDPR Compliance on 2 sites with different themes and mostly different plugins, but none of them shows a Cookie consent panel.

    Am I too stupid??? Can’t find a button or the like. Therefore I assumed that the Consent panel will show up automatically, as I saw it on your homepage . Or do I have to add some code somewhere to get the consent panel to work ?

    But even after turning every plugin (on boths sites) off, nothing happend.

    Additionally I’m unable to open the “My settings” page.
    I can get hold of the link using the [wpgdprc_consents_settings_link] on a page. (As mentioned the cookie consent panel isn’t shown).

    It would be great to have something like a short description of the usage in practice or some helptexts in the backend. Just to let the users know what should happen. In cases like mine, when something doesn’t react or is invisible and you can’t find any further settings, it would be helpful to know how it should be.
    This way it would be much easier for you as a user to identify some technical problems, without permanently asking yourself if you are “too stupid”.

    Though I think the usage is quiet simple and self-explaining in general, if there are no problems with the installation or other plugins, it would be helpful to have such a little guide for the handling.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter reca26


    Hello – I just saw that this layout-fault only appears in Firefox. In Opera the vertical spacing is visible, but it looks different as it should, as the spaching is much too big.

    Regards Reca



    Hi spacedev-
    WHAT A GREAT JOB!!! Thanks for your work. Really great!

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by reca26.
    Thread Starter reca26


    Thank you – kind regards – Reca

    Thread Starter reca26


    Hello – I’ve sent you some mails via your support form.
    I wasn’t able to solve this problem, and had to switch to another plugin.
    To be honest, I would like to get my money back, as the Two Face skin isn’t working.

    As I’m a fan of your plugin and the free-version, I will come back as a pro-user as soon as you have fixed this issue (and maybe offer a function to disable Igniteup for selected pages).

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter reca26


    Hi bipedalist –
    My code in the widget looks like this:

    width: 100px;
    height: 70px;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-color: #222222;
    font-size: 10px;

    Additionally I have some custom css like this in my theme for controlling the fontsizes of my blog page: {font-size: 12px;}
    .widget_categories {font-size: 12px;}

    [Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button.]

    If you replace the page ID for your page, it might be worth a try?
    kind regards

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by bdbrown.
    Thread Starter reca26


    Hey Aaron –

    Yes, Happy Easter! And thanks for your reply! –
    Sorry for my delayed response, I had to sleep a little bit.

    Unfortunately I haven’t got a response yet (my Junk-folder is also empty)


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