There are legitimate uses for the option to insert copyrighted images. If you ask and get permission, you haven’t violated the right holder’s copyright. Some creators retain copyright to be in control. Asking nicely for a non-commercial purpose can often work wonders.
I would however, suggest reworking the license setting in Settings / ImageInject. It is not clear if a less restrictive setting subsumes those below it. A series of tick marks or radio buttons would be far easier to work with:
Include non-commercial use/Only commercial use
Include attribution required/Only no attribution required
And maybe a separate tick for ‘Include all rights withheld images’ and some serious language making it clear that you need explicit permission in order not to violate copyright.
Oh and a separate setting for when to include attribution: You may not have to use attribution for public domain images (Pixabay) but may I would like to give credit where credit is due ??