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  • Thread Starter realvisions


    They were not but I have changed them now using Filezilla.

    Do I need to export and import again, the old site has had updates since my first attempt.

    I exported all but the theme.

    Thread Starter realvisions


    Thanks for answering.

    I did use advance options, I did not exclude database.

    I did experience an issue and it prompted me to ftp the backup files
    from the wp-content ailw folder.

    How do you set this 775 permission?

    Could you please explain what it does.

    Thread Starter realvisions


    I took your advise and made the front-page.php.
    It worked well I placed in my child theme for testing and once I got edited the way I wanted I ftp’d into the main theme.
    Since I do not have to worry about theme updates unless I do them the page is in the actual theme.
    Thanks for all your help.
    I’m sure we’ll cross path’s again.


    Thread Starter realvisions


    Thank you for your recommendations, I like the idea of a front-page.php as from what I read with that option the theme always uses that regardless of the settings in the options, unless I misunderstood.
    The general static pages may be changed I’m fixing a lot of errors.

    That was from previous author… query_posts(array(‘showposts’=>2,’order’=>’DESC’));
    (using ‘query_posts()’ is bad programming, anyway;
    (Thanks for sharing)
    my client paid 10k for the site and does not want to trash, but I may convince them we need to.
    I have not even gotten to the other errors.

    I’m going to create the front-page.php and ftp into theme. I will see how that works.

    Thread Starter realvisions


    Here is the code for the page.php it calls the top inner page widget and a side bar widget, not the same widgets on index.php
    * The template for displaying all pages.
    * This is the template that displays all pages by default.

    get_header(); ?>

    <section class=”wh_topsec”>
    <div class=”wrapper”>
    <section class=”service_sec full_width”>
    <?php get_sidebar(‘innerpage_top’); ?>

    <section id=”body_container”>
    <div class=”wrapper”>
    <section class=”left_sec”>

    <?php get_sidebar(‘leftside’); ?>

    <section class=”content_sec”>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>
    <h1><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></h1>
    <?php the_content(); ?>


    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>


    <?php //get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Thread Starter realvisions


    Thanks for responding…here’s what I have. In respose to your questions
    Is that the full code of index.php? (NO It Is Posted below)

    Does the theme have a front-page.php and/or home.php? (NO neither.)

    A static front page would either use the templates front-page.php or page.php (it does have a page.php)

    —-Full index.php—–

    * The main template file.

    get_header(); ?>

    <section class=”wh_topsec”>
    <div class=”wrapper”>
    <section class=”slider_sec”>
    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Slider Widget’) ) : ?><?php endif;?>
    <section class=”service_sec”>
    <?php get_sidebar(‘calendar_member’); ?>

    <section id=”body_container”>
    <div class=”wrapper”>
    <section class=”blog_sec”>
    <h1><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/images/news.png” alt=””>Latest News</h1>

    <?php $i=1;

    if(have_posts()):while(have_posts()):the_post(); ?>
    <section class=”cmn_sec <?php if($i==2){ ?>pad<?php } ?>”>
    <h3>“><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
    <div class=”share_row”> <span>Share:</span> <div class=”sharebutton”><span st_url='<?php the_permalink(); ?>’ st_title='<?php the_title(); ?>’ class=’st_email_hcount’></span>
    <span st_url='<?php the_permalink(); ?>’ st_title='<?php the_title(); ?>’ class=’st_twitter_hcount’></span>
    <span st_url='<?php the_permalink(); ?>’ st_title='<?php the_title(); ?>’ class=’st_fblike_hcount’></span> </div></div>
    <?php the_content(); ?>

    <?php $i++; endwhile;endif; ?>
    <section class=”right_sec”>
    <?php get_sidebar(‘rightside’); ?>

    <?php //get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    —–End index.php——-

    Thread Starter realvisions


    Added to functions.php

    function reset_pass_url() {
    $siteURL = get_option(‘siteurl’);
    return “{$siteURL}/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword”;
    add_filter( ‘lostpassword_url’, ‘reset_pass_url’, 11, 0 );

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